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2930 data publications found
Iran and SE Anatolia Meso-Cenozoic igneous rock compositions
Lustrino, Michele | Salari, Giulia | Rahimzadeh, Bahman | Fedele, Lorenzo | Masoudi, Fariborz | Agostini, Samuele
Compilation of igneous rock compositions from Iran and SE Anatolia Meso-Cenozoic (ISA), including major, trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data as published in Lustrino et al. (2021).
Radiometric Dates from the South American Andes and Adjacent Areas: A Compilation - part 2 sedimentary rocks
Pilger, Rex H. Jr.
A compilation of 90,688 published radiometric dates for sedimentary rocks from the South American Andes and adjacent parts of South America have been tabulated for access by researchers via GEOROC Expert Datasets. The compilation exists as a spreadsheet for access via MS Excel, Google Sheets,...
Radiogenic isotope compositions of eruption products from the 2019 paroxysmal eruptions at Stromboli Volcano
Renggli, Christian | Krause, Joachim | Genske, Felix | Gilbricht, Sabine | Gattuso, Alessandro | Böhnke, Mischa | Berndt, Jasper | Giuffrida, Giovanni
The periodic volcanic activity of Stromboli Volcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy, is interrupted by paroxysmal eruptions on a decadal interval. In 2019, two strong paroxysms on July 3rd and August 28th, ended a more than a decade long period of regular strombolian activity. During normal strombolian...
Major Element and Trace Element Compositions of Tephra Layers Found in European Varved Lake Records
Beckett, Anna | Blanchet, Cécile | Brauser, Alexander | Kierney, Rebecca | Martin-Puertas, Celia | Matthews, Ian | Mittelbach, Konstantin | Palmer, Adrian | Ramisch, Arne | Brauer, Achim
This database contains major and trace element compositions of European tephra and metadata for the datasets and lakes they were found in. It was created by collecting data from scientific literature to support the synchronisation of annually-resolved lake sediment records during the Last...
Global magmatic kimberlite and carbonatite compositions (elemental and isotopic)
Tappe, Sebastian
Global database of isotopic and major element compositions of kimberlites and carbonatites as compiled in: Tappe, Sebastian; Romer, Rolf L.; Stracke, Andreas; Steenfelt, Agnete; Smart, Katie A.; Muehlenbachs, Karlis; et al. (2017): Sources and mobility of carbonate melts beneath...
Global cratonic lamproite-orangeite and related potassic rock compositions
Tappe, Sebastian
Global geochemistry database for cratonic / anorogenic lamproites and related potassic rocks (compiled and screened from GEOROC in April 2020). Related key publication: Ngwenya, Ntando S.; Tappe, Sebastian (2021): Diamondiferous lamproites of the Luangwa Rift in central Africa and...
Drained ring-shear test data of wet silica powder-glass beads-PVC powder mixture “CM2” used for analogue modelling in the laboratory for experimental tectonics (LET) at RomaTre University, Rome, Italy
Reitano, Riccardo | Rosenau, Matthias | Conrad, Ethan M. | Faccenna, Claudio | Funiciello, Francesca
This dataset provides friction data from drained ring-shear tests on a wet (water saturated) silica powder-glass beads-PVC powder mixture (40:40:20 wt.%) “CM2”, used in analogue modelling of tectonic and erosion processes as a rock analogue for the earth’s upper crust (e.g. Conrad et al., 2023,...
A database of the elemental and isotopic composition of water and carbonates from a hypersaline Andean lake (Laguna del Peinado, Argentina)
Vignoni, Paula Andrea | Jurikova, Hana | Schröder, Birgit | Tjallingii, Rik | Córdoba, Francisco Elizalde | Liebetrau, Volker | Lecomte, Karina Leticia | Pinkerneil, Sylvia | Grudzinska, Ieva | Schleicher, Anja M. | Viotto , Sofía Alejandra | Santamans, Carla | Rae, James W. B. | Brauer, Achim
The dataset presented here encompasses the results of the geochemical analyses of water and recent carbonate samples collected in the El Peinado basin located in the Southern Puna Plateau in Catamarca, Argentina. This system formed by the hypersaline lake Laguna del Peinado, numerous...
Detrital age spectra of the middle Miocene to Present day glaciomarine sediments of the DSDP Leg 28 drilling sites 271, 272 Central Ross Sea, Antarctica
Balestrieri, Maria Laura | Olivetti, Valerio | Chew, David | Zurli, Luca | Zattin, Massimiliano | Drakou, Foteini | Cornamusini, Gianluca | Perotti, Matteo
This dataset contains provenance detrital data from the glacimarine sequence of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 28, Site 271 e 272. The two boreholes are located in the middle of the Ross Sea, in a key site close at 180° longitude that is considered the present confluence between ice flows fed by...
Digital image correlation data and orthophotos from lithospheric-scale analogue experiments of orthogonal extension followed by shortening
Samsu, Anindita | Gorczyk, Weronika | Schmid, Timothy Chris | Betts, Peter Graham | Cruden, Alexander Ramsay | Morton, Eleanor | Amirpoorsaeed, Fatemeh
This dataset includes the results of 5 lithospheric-scale, brittle-ductile analogue experiments of extension and subsequent shortening performed at the Geodynamic Modelling Laboratory at Monash University (Melbourne, Australia). Here we investigated (1) the influence of the mechanical...