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2930 data publications found

Paleosediment- and model-derived data used for the reconstruction of environmental conditions during the Holocene at the Bulusan Lake, Philippines

Prohaska, Ana | Seddon, Alistair W.R. | Meese, Bernd | Willis, Katherine J. | Chiang, John C. H. | Sachse, Dirk


This data publication contains the datasets generated in a study aiming at reconstructing paleoclimatic conditions during the late Holocene in northern Philippines. The data come from samples taken from sediment lakes retrieved from Bulusan Lake on the Luzon Island, Philippines. On these...

Major element stream water chemistry, compiled 10Be erosion rates, and analyses of weathering across an erosion-rate gradient in in southern Taiwan

Bufe, Aaron | Hovius, Niels | Emberson, Robert | Rugenstein, Jeremy K. C. | Galy, Albert | Hassenruck-Gudipati, Hima J. | Chang, Jui-Ming


This dataset was used to analyse the link between chemical weathering and erosion rates across the southern tip of Taiwan. The weathering of silicate minerals is a key component of Earth’s long-term carbon cycle, and it stabilises Earth’s climate by sequestering carbon dioxide (CO2) from the...

Detrital age spectra and petrological analysis of gravel-size clasts of the Oligocene-early Miocene glaciomarine sediments of the DSDP drilling Site 270, Central Ross Sea, Antarctica

Olivetti, Valerio | Balestrieri, Maria Laura | Chew, David | Zurli, Luca | Zattin, Massimiliano | Pace, Donato | Drakou, Foteini | Cornamusini, Gianluca | Perotti, Matteo


This data-set contains provenance detrital data from the glacimarine sequence of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 270. The 270 site was cored on a flank of the Central High in the central Ross Sea and recovered a thick Oligocene to lower Miocene glacimarine sequence, overlain by ~20 m of Pliocene...

Geochemical data on the late-Cretaceous primitive intraoceanic arc lavas of the Olyutorsky terrain

Kutyrev, Anton V. | Kamenetsky, Vadim S. | Park, Jung-Woo | Zhirnova, Tatiana S. | Maas, Roland | Demonterova, Elena I. | Antsiferova, Tatiana N. | Ivanov, Alexei V. | Hwang, Jiwon | Abersteiner, Adam | Ozerov, Alexei Yu.


This dataset comprises the analyses of the intraoceanic arc rocks of the Olyutorsky terrain: major elements, minor elements, platinum-group elements, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf and Pb-Pd isotopic systems. Samples are late Cretaceous in age and comprise picrites from the Tumrok and Valaginsky Ranges,...

Accessory Minerals in Felsic Igneous Rocks - Part 3: Composition of monazite-(Ce) from Paleoproterozoic granitoids and gneisses from the Fort McMurray area (Alberta, Canada)

Förster, Hans-Jürgen | Walsh, Nathanial John


This data set is the third of a series reporting chemical data for accessory minerals from felsic igneous rocks. It compiles the results of electron-microprobe spot analyses of monazite-(Ce) from various Paleoproterozoic granitoids and spatially associated gneisses located in the wider Fort...

Chemical (EPMA) and boron isotope (SIMS) analyses on tourmaline breccias from the Río Blanco-Los Bronces porphyry copper district, Chile

Hohf, Michael | Trumbull, Robert


Tourmaline-cemented magmatic-hydrothermal breccias are a major host to sulphide mineralization in the supergiant Río Blanco–Los Bronces (RB–LB) porphyry Cu-Mo district in central Chile. We made an extensive study of the chemical and boron isotopic composition of tourmaline from this district to...

Quantitative mineralogy, mineral chemistry and microtex-tural data on the UG2 chromitite intruded by iron-rich ul-tramafic pegmatite (IRUP) at the Thaba Mine, northwest-ern Bushveld Complex, South Africa

Zhou, Haoyang | Appelt, Oona | Tjallingii, Rik | Bachmann, Kai | Trumbull, Robert B.


Discordant iron-rich ultramafic pegmatites (IRUPs) intersect the UG2 chromitite at many places in the Bushveld Complex but the effects on ore grade and mineralogy have rarely been studied in detail. We investigated a drillcore profile through the UG2 layer affected by IRUP intrusions at...

Data from redeposition experiments of glacial Black Sea sediments

Nowaczyk, Norbert R.


This data publication includes detrital remanent magnetisation data of glacial sediments from the Arkhangelsky Ridge in the SE Black Sea. In order to test the acquisition of a detrital remanent magnetization (DRM) in glacial Black Sea sediments material from ca. 800 ml of diluted mud...

PRESSurE Kahule Khola gauging station data Nepal

Andermann, Christoff | Sitaula, Ambika Prasad | Zimmermann, Bernhard


This data set was taken within the Perturbations of Earth Surface Processes by Large Earthquakes PRESSurE Project (https://www.gfz-potsdam.de/en/section/geomorphology/projects/pressure/) of the GFZ Potsdam. This project aims to better understand the role of earthquakes on earth surface...

PRESSurE precipitation time series, Nepal

Andermann, Christoff | Sitaula, Ambika Prasad | Queißer, Torsten


This data set was taken within the Perturbations of Earth Surface Processes by Large Earthquakes PRESSurE Project (https://www.gfz-potsdam.de/en/section/geomorphology/projects/pressure/) of the GFZ Potsdam. This project aims to better understand the role of earthquakes on earth surface...