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2930 data publications found

3D-CEBS-TTH: transient thermohydraulic model of the Central European Basin System (CEBS)

Frick, Maximilian | Cacace, Mauro | Klemann, Volker | Tarasov, Lev | Scheck-Wenderoth, Magdalena


We provide a single file (exodus II format) that contains all results of the modeling efforts of the associated paper. This encompasses all structural information as well as the pore pressure, temperature, and fluid velocity distribution through time. We also supply all files necessary to rerun...

Carbon and oxygen isotope in situ analysis of calcite using secondary ion mass spectrometry in the Permian Kupferschiefer system, Saale subbasin, Eastern Germany

Mohammedyasin, Mohammed Seid | Magnall, Joseph M. | Gleeson, Sarah A. | Schulz, Hans-Martin | Scicchitano, Maria Rosa


The Kupferschiefer districts in Central Europe contain some of the world’s highest-grade sediment-hosted stratiform Cu (SSC) deposits (see Borg et al., 2012). The high-grade sulfide mineralization in the organic matter-rich marine mudstones of the Kupferschiefer (T1), and also in the underlying...

2D grain size data of sandstones from the 3.2 Ga old Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt (South Africa)

Reimann, Sebastian | Zametzer, Andreas | Heubeck, Christoph


The Moodies Group (ca. 3.22-3.21 Ga) of the Barberton Greenstone Belt (BGB), South Africa, is the uppermost and youngest unit of the BGB, the largest and best-preserved Greenstone belt in the basement of the Kaapvaal Craton. It consists predominantly of fine- to coarse-grained, composi-tionally...

Results of Experimental Simulations on Hydrogen Migration through Potential Storage Rocks

Strauch, Bettina | Pilz, Peter | Zimmer, Martin | Kujawa, Christian


Data on the diffusivity of hydrogen through rocks are published here. The studied rocks are related to storage formations, namely rock salt (salt caverns), sandstone (porous aquifer) and mudstone (cap rock). To quantify hydrogen diffusion rates in these rocks, a new experimental set up was...

Ultrasonic transmission measurements from seven boreholes from the STIMTEC-X experiment, Reiche Zeche Mine, Freiberg (Saxony, Germany)

Boese, Carolin M. | Kwiatek, Grzegorz | Fischer, Thomas | Plenkers, Katrin | Dresen, Georg


In 2020 and 2021 the STIMTEC-X hydraulic stimulation experiment was performed at ca.~130 m below surface at the Reiche Zeche underground research laboratory in Freiberg, Saxony/Germany. The project temporally followed the STIMTEC experiment at the same site and aimed at understanding the stress...

Laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry of pyrite from the Paleoproterozoic George Fisher deposit and Urquhart Shale Formation (Mount Isa, Australia)

Rieger, Philip | Magnall, Joseph M. | Gleeson, Sarah A. | Oelze, Marcus


Trace element (TE) analysis of pyrite via LA-ICP-MS can produce large, paragenetically-constrained datasets, which can be used to reconstruct the conditions of pyrite formation in complex mineral systems. The Carpentaria province in northern Australia is host to some of the world’s highest...

Mineralogical and geochemical data of two weathering profiles in a Mediterranean and a humid climate region of the Chilean Coastal Cordillera

Hampl, Ferdinand J. | Schiperski, Ferry | Schwerdhelm, Christopher | Stroncik, Nicole | Bryce, Casey | von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm | Neumann, Thomas


This publication provides mineralogical and geochemical data of two 6-m-deep weathering profiles formed from granitic rock. They are located in different climate zones (Mediterranean and humid) and are close to the national parks of La Campana and Nahuelbuta in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera....

3D-ALPS-TR: A 3D thermal and rheological model of the Alpine lithosphere

Spooner, Cameron | Scheck-Wenderoth, Magdalena | Cacace, Mauro | Anikiev, Anikiev


Despite the amount of research focused on the Alpine orogen, significant unknowns remain regarding the thermal field and long term lithospheric strength in the region. Previous published interpretations of these features primarily concern a limited number of 2D cross sections, and those that...

Results of evolved gas analysis (EGA) on ash + salt samples from the 15 January 2022 eruption of Hunga volcano, Tonga

Colombier, Mathieu | Ukstins, Ingrid A. | Tegtmeier, Susann | Scheu, Bettina | Cronin, Shane J. | Thivet, Simon | Paredes-Mariño, Joali | Cimarelli, Corrado | Hess, Kai-Uwe | Kula, Taaniela | Latu’ila, Folauhola H. | Dingwell, Donald B.


These data files contain the results of Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA) on a Mettler-Toledo TGA-DSC 3+ attached to a Pfeiffer Vacuum GSD 320 gas mass spectrometer on ash samples from the 15 January 2022 eruption of Hunga volcano, Tonga. Samples were heated in Nitrogen at a rate of 5 °C/min from 30...

Geochemical data of impactites of the Ries impact structure, Germany

Siegert, Susann | Hecht, Lutz


The Ries impact structure in Southern Germany is one of the best-preserved impact structures on Earth. Melt-bearing impact breccia appears in a variety of well accessible exposures around the inner ring up to 10 km beyond the crater rim (so-called outer suevite) overlying a ballistically...