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354 data publications found

Darss Sill shallow water OBS Test

Schmid, Florian


For broadband ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) data, external noise is typically more pronounced than on seismometers installed onshore. However, the sources of this external noise are only partly understood. In particular, the impact the instrument design (form-factor of the floatation, pressure...

Major and trace elements and Nd isotopic compositions of apatite grains from pegmatites in the Ke'eryin field, eastern Tibetan Plateau

Shuaijie, Liu | Mei-Fu, Zhou | Yang, Sun | Wenjing, Li | Bin, Chen | Guochun, Zhao


We report the major and trace elements and Nd isotopic compositions of apatite grains from the Triassic Li-mineralized and barren pegmatites in the Songpan-Ganzi orogen, eastern Tibetan Plateau. The major elements of apatite grains were measured using Electron Microprobe (EMP) at the Hefei...

Comprehensive data set of in-situ hydraulic stimulation experiments for geothermal purposes at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (Sweden)

Zang, Arno | Niemz, Peter | von Specht, Sebastian | Zimmermann, Günther | Milkereit, Claus | Plenkers, Katrin | Klee, Gerd


This data set contains measurements of an underground hydraulic fracture experiment at Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory in May and June 2015. The experiment tested various injection schemes for rock fracture stimulation and monitored the resulting seismicity. The primary purpose of the experiment is...

Data of the temporary seismic WILAS network

Dias, N.A. | Silveira, G. | Haberland, C.


The lithosphere of Iberia has been formed through a number of processes of continental collision and extension. In Lower Paleozoic, the collision of three tectonics blocks produced the Variscan Orogeny, the main event of formation of the Iberian lithosphere. The subsequent Mesozoic rifting...

Dataset of the 6G seismic network at Los Humeros, 2017-2018

Toledo, Tania | Gaucher, Emmanuel | Metz, Malte | Calò, Marco | Figueroa, Angel | Angulo, Joel | Jousset, Philippe | Kieling, Katrin | Saenger, Erik


Extensive passive seismic monitoring was carried out between September 2017 and September 2018 over the Los Humeros geothermal field in Mexico. This experiment, in addition to several geophysical, geological, and geochemical surveys was conducted in the framework of the European H2020 and...

Results of measurements of carbonate dissolution rates under various well-controlled conditions for reactive CO2-water flow in a large lab-scale karst fracture imitate

Strauch, Bettina | Zimmer, Martin | Stammeier, Jessica | Wendel, Kai | Keim, Leon | Class, Holger


The data presented here, are the result of a study that explores carbonate dissolution dynamics in karstic systems by simulating reactive water flow under controlled large scale laboratory conditions. The work is conducted within the DFG-funded project NERO and focuses on the interaction of...

ISMENET - ISMEtpasa seismic NETwork

Becker, Dirk | Chen, Xiang | Martinez-Garzon, Patricia


15 station seismological network spanning the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) toward the east of Ismetpasa to detect possible microseismicity and slow slip events in the creeping section of the NAFZ. The network consists of 10 three component 4.5 Hz geophone sensors in combination with...

Seismic sensing of hydraulic and sediment transport patterns below frozen subarctic river

Dietze, Michael | Polvi, Lina


Our understanding of the effects of ice on channel morphodynamics and bedload transport in northern rivers, frozen for several months, are hindered by the difficulties of ‘seeing’ through the ice. We use continuous seismic records of a small network at the Sävar River in northern Sweden to...

The COBO/CV-PLUME temporary seismic network

Weber, Michael | Silveira, Graça | Schulze, Albrecht


There is a growing debate on the conventional plume model and no consensus about their deep origin. Davaille et al. (2005) showed, using fluid mechanics experiments, the existence of different class of plumes, depending on mantle thermo-chemical properties. Cape Verde is located in the interior...

Denudation and weathering rates of carbonate landscapes from meteoric 10Be/9Be ratios

Wittmann, Hella | Bouchez, Julien | Calmels, Damien | Gaillardet, Jerome | Frick, Daniel | Stroncik, Nicole | ASTER Team | von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm


We provide sample information and geochemical data for obtaining erosion, weathering, and denudation rates from a framework based cosmogenic meteoric 10Be versus stable 9Be (10Be/9Be) ratios. We modified this published silicate framework (von Blanckenburg et al., 2012) to carbonate...