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2930 data publications found
UKGEOS Glasgow - GGC01 Initial Borehole Information Pack
British Geological Survey
The borehole information pack from borehole GGC01, site 10 of the UKGEOS (UK Geoenergy Observatories) Glasgow facility. This pack contains composite and digital wireline logs; drillers summary logs and prognosis; sample recovery information spreadsheets; and daily driller's borehole records.
Ring-shear test data of quartz sand used for analogue experiments in the laboratory of the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Science, Prague
Warsitzka, Michael | Závada, Prokop | Pohlenz, Andre | Rosenau, Matthias
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests (RST) for a quartz sand used in analogue experiments at the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Science (IGCAS) (Kratinová et al., 2006; Zavada et al., 2009; Lehmann et al., 2017; Krýza et al., 2019). It is characterized by...
Supplement to: Graben formation and dike arrest during the 2009 Harrat Lunayyir dike intrusion in Saudi Arabia: Insights from InSAR, stress calculations and analog experiments
Corbi, Fabio | Xu, Wenbin | Rivalta, Eleonora | Jonsson, Sigurjon
This dataset is supplementary material to the article by Xu et al. (2016) ‘Graben formation and dike arrest during the 2009 Harrat Lunayyir dike intrusion in Saudi Arabia: Insights from InSAR, stress calculations and analog experiments’. The Authors described the spatial and temporal effects of...
Digital Image Correlation data from oblique convergence experiments with wet kaolin
Cooke, Michele | Toenenboehn, Kevin | Hatch, Jennifer
Experiments of oblique convergence at angles of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 degrees from the margin within wet kaolin. One suite of experiments, denoted as ‘precut’, has a vertical surface precut within the clay with an electrified wire. The precut surface lies directly above the basal oblique...
Supplementary material to "Rough subducting seafloor reduces interseismic coupling and mega-earthquake occurrence: insights from analogue models"
van Rijsingen, Elenora | Funiciello, Francesca | Corbi, Fabio | Lallemand, Serge
This dataset contains digital image correlation (DIC) data of eight seismotectonic analogue experiments that were performed at the Laboratory of Experimental Tectonics (LET), Univ. Rome Tre, to investigate the effect of subduction interface roughness on the seismogenic behaviour of the...
4D X-Ray CT data and surface view videos of a systematic comparison of experimental set-ups for modelling extensional tectonics
Zwaan, Frank | Schreurs, Guido | Buiter, Susanne J.H.
This data set includes 40 videos (+ 1 image) depicting the surface evolution of 39 experiments on crustal extension, as well as 4D CT imagery (figures and videos) of 6 of these experiments. The experiments examined the influence of the method for driving extension (foam base, rubber base, plate...
Supplementary material to "Machine Learning can predict the timing and size of analog earthquakes"
Corbi, Fabio | Sandri, Laura | Bedford, Jonathan | Funiciello, Francesca | Brizzi, Silvia | Rosenau, Matthias | Lallemand, Serge
This data set includes the results of digital image correlation of one experiment on subduction megathrust earthquakes with interacting asperities performed at the Laboratory of Experimental Tectonics (LET) Univ. Roma Tre in the framework of AspSync, the Marie Curie project (grant agreement...
Supplement to: Identification of kinematic boundary conditions triggering removal of material in tectonically erosive margins : insight from scaled physical experiments
Albert, Francisca
This data set includes movies and images of sandbox experiments aiming at understainding the process of subduction erosion at active plate margins (Albert, 2013). Four experiments are documented by means of movies showing the evolution of a strong wedge (sand-sugar mix, “Reference...
What controls sill formation: an overview from analogue models
Sili, Giulia | Urbani, Stefano | Acocella, Valerio
This data publication includes movies and figures of twenty-six analogue models which are used to investigate what controls sill emplacement, defining a hierarchy among a selection of the proposed factors: compressive stresses, interface strength between layers, rigidity contrast between...
Compaction creep data uniaxial compaction of quartz sand in various chemical environments
Schimmel, Mariska | Hangx, Suzanne | Spiers, Chris
We studied the effect of pore fluid chemistry on compaction creep in quartz sand aggregates, as an analogue for clean, highly porous, quartz-rich reservoir sands and sandstone. Creep is specifically addressed, because it is not yet well understood and can potentially cause reservoir...