Rheometric Analysis of Viscous Material Mixtures Used in the Tectonic Laboratory (TecLab) at Utrecht University, Netherlands
Rudolf, Michael; Willingshofer, Ernst; Rosenau, Matthias; (2023-10)
This dataset contains measurements of viscous and viscoelastic materials that are used for analogue modelling. Proper density and viscosity scaling of ductile layers in the... -
Rheology of viscous materials from the CNR-IGG Tectonic Modelling Laboratory at the University of Florence (Italy)
Zwaan, Frank; Rudolf, Michael; Corti, Giacomo; Keir, Derek; Sani, Federico; (2020-09)
This dataset provides rheometric data of three viscous materials used for centrifuge experiments at the Tectonic Modelling Laboratory of CNR-IGG at the Earth Sciences Department...