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2930 data publications found

Whole-rock geochemistry of rock units from the Pfitscher Joch area, Western Tauern Window

Franz, Gerhard | Berryman, Eleanor | Kutzschbach, Martin | Meixner, Anette | Kasemann, Simone | Lucassen, Friedrich | Loges, Anselm | Schultze, Dina


In the Western Tauern Window, Zillertal Alps (Austria/Italy), metasediments of a Mesozoic intra-montane basin ("Pfitsch-Mörchner basin"; Veselá and Lammerer, 2008) are exposed. The (me-ta)sediments were deposited on a Variscan basement, which comprises different types of meta-granitoids and...

Fluid injection experiments on critically stressed sawcut faults in low-permeability granite samples

Yinlin, Ji | Wang, Lei | Hofmann, Hannes | Kwiatek, Grzegorz | Dresen, Georg


Earthquakes associated with fluid injection in various geo-energy settings, such as shale gas and deep geothermal energy, have shelved many projects with great potential. However, the injection-rate dependence of earthquake nucleation length, i.e., the slowly slipping (creeping) fault length in...

Mineral reflectance spectra and chemistry of 29 rare earth-bearing minerals and rare earth oxide powders including niobium- and tantalum-oxide powder

Koerting, Friederike | Herrmann, Sabrina | Boesche, Nina Kristin | Rogass, Christian | Mielke, Christian | Koellner, Nicole | Altenberger, Uwe


The data set contains mineral chemical analyses of 32 rare earth element (REE) -bearing minerals (REMin) and rare-earth oxides (REO) and their corresponding hyperspectral spectra. The hyperspectral data was acquired with the HySpex system in a range of 400 – 2500 nm and is presented in a...

Soil physicochemical parameters along a chronosequence at the coastal alluvial fan Paposo, Atacama Desert

Walk, Janek | Schulte, Philipp | Bartz, Melanie | Binnie, Ariane | Kehl, Martin | Mörchen, Ramona | Sun, Xiaolei | Stauch, Georg | Tittmann, Christopher | Bol, Roland | Brückner, Helmut | Lehmkuhl, Frank


This dataset summarizes the following physicochemical parameters assessed for 32 soil samples sieved...

Stratigraphic and Multi Scanner Core Logging (MSCL) data plus supplementary luminescence dating material obtained from the scientific drilling QDR-RE-IfG and its drill site in the Aare Valley, Bern CH

Schwenk, Michael | Schlunegger, Fritz | Gribenski, Natacha | Schläfli, Patrick | Bandou, Dimitri | Douillet, Guilhem | Krbanjevic, Julijana


The Quaternary Drilling at the Rehhag under the supervision of members of the Institut für Geologie (QDR-RE-IfG) was interested in the unconsolidated sediment infill of a bedrock trough in the Northern Alpine Foreland (NAF). Such bedrock troughs, now hidden beneath their sediment infill...

Deep seismic reflection profile DEKORP 1985-4Q across the Bavarian Forest, Southeast Germany

Stiller, Manfred | Kaerger, Lauretta | Agafonova, Tatiana | Krawczyk, Charlotte | Oncken, Onno | Weber, Michael | Former DEKORP Project Leaders | Former DEKORP Research Group | Former DEKORP Processing Centre


The 36 km long line 4Q was recorded in 1985 as part of the DEKORP project, the German continental seismic reflection program. The aim of the survey was to explore important tectonic structures through the regional tectonic trend of the Bavarian Forest (NW-SE) with high-fold near-vertical...

Mineralogical, geochemical and magnetic susceptibility data from a deep hydrothermally altered profile in a semi-arid region (Chilean Coastal Cordillera)

Hampl, Ferdinand J. | Schiperski, Ferry | Byrne, James M. | Schwerdhelm, Christopher | Kappler, Andreas | Bryce, Casey | von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm | Neumann, Thomas


This data publication contains mineralogical, geochemical and magnetic susceptibility data of an 87.2 m deep profile of hydrothermally altered plutonic rock in a semi-arid region of the Chilean Coastal Cordillera (Santa Gracia). The profile was recovered during a drilling campaign...

Dissolved organic compounds in geothermal fluids used for energy production

Leins, Alessio | Vieth-Hillebrand, Andrea | Bregnard, Danaé | Günther, Kristin | Junier, Pilar | Regenspurg, Simona


This data was collected to write an extensive review on organic compounds in geothermal fluids as part of the REFLECT (Redefining geothermal fluid properties at extreme conditions to optimize future geothermal energy extraction). The data is mainly focussed on geothermal sites were organic...

Solutions of ocean tide loading displacement, self-attraction and loading and ocean tides for an advanced 3D anelastic solid Earth model

Huang, Pingping | Sulzbach, Roman Lucas | Klemann, Volker | Tanaka, Yoshiyuki | Dobslaw, Henryk | Martinec, Zdeněk | Thomas, Maik


As a supplement to Huang et al. (2022) “The influence of sediments, lithosphere and upper mantle (anelastic) with lateral heterogeneity on ocean tide loading and ocean tide dynamics”, we provide for the advanced earth model LH-Lyon-3Dae [consisting of 3D elastic sediments, lithosphere and 3D...

Anisotropic broadband spectral induced polarization (SIP) data of black shale and mudstone from the Moffat Shale Group (Ireland)

Römhild, Lukas | Sonntag, Martin | Kiyan, Duygu | Rogers, Russell | Rath, Volker | Börner, Jana H.


This data set includes broadband (1e-4 to 1e5 Hz) frequency-dependent, complex electrical conductivity data, which have been measured in the laboratory by means of the spectral induced polarization (SIP) method on 28 oriented black shale and mudstone samples. Porosity, density and plug images...