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2930 data publications found
Accessory Minerals in Felsic Igneous Rocks - Part 9 Monazite-(Ce), xenotime-(Y) and zircon from late-Variscan biotite and two-mica granites of the Aue-Schwarzenberg Granite Zone (Western Erzgebirge−Vogtland metallogenic province, Germany)
Förster, Hans-Jürgen
This data set is Part 9 of a series of data sets dealing with the composition of accessory minerals from felsic igneous rocks compiles chemical data for monazite-(Ce), xenotime-(Y) and zircon from several, late-Variscan granite occurrences in the Aue-Schwarzenberg Granite Zone (ASGZ) located in...
Isotopic data of pyrite (δ34S) and barite (δ34S, δ18O) in the Canol Formation (Selwyn Basin, Canada)
Grema, Haruna M. | Magnall, Joseph M. | Whitehouse, Martin J. | Gleeson, Sarah A. | Schulz, Hans -M.
The stable isotopic composition of pyrite (δ34Spyrite) and barite (δ34Sbarite, δ18Obarite) in marine sedimentary rocks provides a valuable archive for reconstructing the biogeochemical processes that link the sulfur, carbon, and iron cycles. Highly positive δ34Spyrite values that exceed...
Supplement to: A global rate of denudation from cosmogenic nuclides in Earth’s largest rivers
Wittmann, Hella | Oelze, Marcus | Gaillardet, Jerome | Garzanti, Eduardo | von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm
Sampling large river´s sediment at outlets for cosmogenic nuclide analysis yields mean denudation rates of the sediment producing areas that average local variations in denudation commonly found in small rivers. Using this approach, we measured in situ cosmogenic 26Al and 10Be concentrations in...
Experimental data for permeability and stiffness measurements of fractured Flechtingen sandstone measured with a triaxial compression apparatus
Kluge, Christian | Blöcher, Guido | Hofmann, Hannes | Barnhoorn, Auke | Schmittbuhl, Jean | Bruhn, David
Faults and fractures form the largest contrast of fluid flow in the subsurface, while their permeability is highly affected by effective pressure changes. In this experimental study, fractured low-permeability Flechtingen (Rotliegend) sandstones were cyclically loaded in a MTS tri-axial...
3D rheological model of the Southern Central Andes
Rodriguez Piceda, Constanza | Scheck-Wenderoth, Magdalena | Cacace, Mauro | Bott, Judith | Strecker, Manfred
The southern Central Andes (SCA, 29°S-39°S) are characterized by the subduction of the oceanic Nazca Plate beneath the continental South American Plate. One striking feature of this area is the change of the subduction angle of the Nazca Plate between 33°S and 35°S from the Chilean-Pampean...
Surface displacement, self-attraction and loading and M2 ocean tide fields in view of anelastic solid Earth models
Huang, Pingping | Sulzbach, Roman | Tanaka, Yoshiyuki | Klemann, Volker | Dobslaw, Henryk | Martinec, Zdeněk | Thomas, Maik
As a supplement to Huang et al. (2021) “Anelasticity and lateral heterogeneities in Earth’s upper mantle: impact on surface displacements, self-attraction and loading and ocean tide dynamics”, the global amplitude and root-mean-square fields of surface vertical displacement and...
Detrital zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronometry data from the Leones Valley, Patagonian Andes
Falkowski, Sarah | Ehlers, Todd | Madella, Andrea | Glotzbach, Christoph | Georgieva, Viktoria | Strecker, Manfred
The data presented here were produced to study glacial and glacio-fluvial catchment erosion using 'tracer thermochronology' where detrital downstream samples can be used to infer the source elevation sectors of sediments when integrated with known surface bedrock ages from the catchment. For...
CT data, PIV analysis results and surface view videos of analogue models of interacting crustal and mantle weaknesses during rifting
Zwaan, Frank | Chenin, Pauline | Erratt, Duncan | Manatschal, Gianreto | Schreurs, Guido
This data set includes videos depicting the surface evolution (time laps photographs and Particle Image Velocimetry or PIV analsys) of 15 analogue models on rift tectonics, as well as 4D CT imagery (figures and videos) from four of these experiments. The experiments examined the influence of...
Mechanical test data of quartz sand, garnet sand, gypsum powder (plaster), kaolin and sand-plaster mixtures used as granular analogue materials in geoscience laboratory experiments
Poppe, Sam | Holohan, Eoghan P. | Rudolf, Michael | Rosenau, Matthias | Galland, Olivier | Delcamp, Audray | Van Gompel, Gert | Buls, Nico | Soens, Bastien | Pohlenz, Andre | Mourgues, Régis | Kervyn, Matthieu
This dataset provides mechanical test data for quartz sand (“MAM1ST-300”, Sibelco, Mol, Belgium), gypsum powder (plaster; “Goldband”, Knauf), kaolin clay powder, garnet sand, and mixtures of quartz sand and gypsum powder, used at the Analogue Laboratory of the Department of Geography at the...
KTB Borehole Measurements: Spontaneous Potential and Induced Polarization (SP & IP) of the German Continental Deep Drilling Program
Kueck, Jochem | Conze, Ronald | Bram, Kurt | Draxler, Hans | Zoth, Gustav | Kessels, Winfried | Hänel, Ralph
KTB Borehole Measurements Data Spontaneous Potential and Induced Polarization (SP & IP) Extensive borehole measurements were performed during the active drilling phase of the KTB pilot and main hole. The data report STR 21/03 KTB Borehole logging data contains the full...