The IGME laboratory provides support for the technical and research
projects at IGME and does collaboration with Spanish universities, CSIC
research centers, and foreign geological surveys . It also does analysis
and laboratory assays for industrial stake holders such as natural stone
quarries (Soil and Rock mechanics lab), mining companies and industrial
minerals quarries. To the EPOS consortium we offer our analytical
laboratories (TIMS, ICP, XRF and XRD laboratories), the core logging
facility and the soil and rock mechanics laboratory.
The IGME analytical laboratory follows an internal Quality Control
System based on the UNE-EN-ISO/IEC 17025 norm, which is externally
audited by ENAC (Spanish accreditation agency). As part of this quality
control system the IGME laboratories are required to take part in
interlaboratory comparison experiments.
For further information see: