Electron Microprobe (LNEG-UCTM, Portugal)
Electron Microprobe (LNEG-UCTM, Portugal) UCTM Laboratory of LNEG is a Mineral Technology Laboratory and focusses on the properties of geological materials having in mind to... -
Core Logging LAB (OGS-National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysi...
Continuous centimetric scale measurements of different physical properties of marine sediment and rock samples are at the base of the most of geological and paleoenvironmental... -
Archeomagnetism Laboratory (CENIEH Burgos, Spain)
Archeomagnetism Laboratory (CENIEH Burgos, Spain) The Geochronology Laboratories at the CENIEH include a common facility for general geological sample preparation and mineral... -
Andalchron (CSIC-IACT, Spain)
Andalchron (CSIC-IACT, Spain) Andalchron is a platform of advanced analytical services in petrology, geochemistry, and geochronology including: • The advanced petrological,... -
Analytical Laboratories IGME
The IGME laboratory provides support for the technical and research projects at IGME and does collaboration with Spanish universities, CSIC research centers, and foreign... -
Analogue Modelling Laboratory at Tectonics and Geodynamics (RWTH Aachen Unive...
The analogue modelling laboratory at the research unit Tectonics and Geodynamics (TaG) at RWTH Aachen University uses experimental techniques to investigate, analyse and compare...