Autonomously probing viscoelasticity in disordered suspensions

de Graaf, Joost;

2020 || YoDa Data Repository, Utrecht University, Netherlands

Data package for the publication with above title [Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 258002 (2020);]. It contains the full latex directory for compiling the paper, plus the data required to reproduce the graphs for the simulations, as well as the simulation source code and analysis scripts required to process the raw simulation output. In the top-level directory (and various subdirectories) there are readme_use.txt files that describe the content and use of the elements contained therein, e.g., how to run various scripts to obtain the raw simulation data and figures in the paper.

In brief, the data packages contains C++ code for the generation of the passive and active systems [simulations]. Using this source code, passive glassy background systems can be produced, for which the Brownian colloidal particles interact via the Weeks-Chandler-Anderson potential. The active systems contain a single self-propelled probe particle, that additionally interacts with the passive neighbors through a friction criterion. This enables the probe to experience enhanced rotational diffusion, which spikes at a second-order type transition in neighbor contacts. The directory [analysis] contains a mix of C++ codes, Mathematica (10.3), and GNUplot scripts (5.2 patchlevel 2) for the analysis of the data generated using the simulation, such that self-intermediate scattering functions, mean-squared displacements, viscosities, etc. can be obtained from the raw particle coordinates. Lastly, the directory [data] provides the processed data (ASCII files) and scripts (GNUplot, PowerPoint, and bash) to generate the figures in the main text and supplement.

Originally assigned keywords

Corresponding MSL vocabulary keywords

MSL enriched keywords

MSL enriched sub domains
  • rock and melt physics
  • analogue modelling of geologic processes
Source publisher YoDa Data Repository, Utrecht University, Netherlands
DOI 10.24416/uu01-nxitli
Citation de Graaf, J. (2020). Autonomously probing viscoelasticity in disordered suspensions. Utrecht University.
Collection period(s)
  • 2018-02-01 - 2020-10-30
Geo location(s)
  • Utrecht University