Dataset of whole rock analysis of Holocene volcanic ashes and lava domes of 4.2 ka Cerro Blanco eruption, NW Argentina

Fernandez-Turiel, J. L.; Rejas, Marta; Perez-Torrado, F. J.; Rodriguez-Gonzalez, A.;

Whole rock analysis of Holocene volcanic ashes and lava domes of Southern Puna and neighboring areas (NW Argentina). The studied volcanic materials are associated with the 4.2 ka cal BP eruption of the Cerro Blanco Volcanic Complex.

Originally assigned keywords

Corresponding MSL vocabulary keywords

MSL enriched keywords

MSL enriched sub domains
  • geochemistry
Source publisher DIGITAL.CSIC
DOI 10.20350/DIGITALCSIC/14151
  • Fernandez-Turiel, J. L.

  • Rejas, Marta

  • Perez-Torrado, F. J.

  • Rodriguez-Gonzalez, A.
  • DataManager

  • HostingInstitution
Citation Fernandez-Turiel, J. L., Rejas, M., Perez-Torrado, F. J., & Rodriguez-Gonzalez, A. (2021). Dataset of whole rock analysis of Holocene volcanic ashes and lava domes of 4.2 ka Cerro Blanco eruption, NW Argentina [Data set]. DIGITAL.CSIC.