Properties of rock analogue materials used for Foamquake: a novel seismotectonic analog model mimicking the megathrust seismic cycle at RomaTre University (Italy)
Mastella, Giacomo; Corbi, Fabio; Funiciello, Francesca; Rosenau, Matthias; Rudolf, Michael; Kosari, Ehsan; (2021)
This dataset provides friction and elasticity data from ring shear and axial tests, respectively, on rock analogue materials used at the University Roma Tre (Rome, IT) in... -
Magnetic susceptibility and thin sections data from the the Alftafjordur volcanic system in Eastern Iceland
Trippanera, Daniele; Urbani, Stefano; Kissel, Catherine; Winkler, Aldo; Sagnotti, Leonardo; Nazzareni, Sabrina; et al. (2020-11)
This dataset contains supplementary materials to the manuscripts “Interpreting inverse magnetic fabric in Miocene dikes from Eastern Iceland” by Trippanera et al., (submitted to... -
What controls sill formation: an overview from analogue models
Sili, Giulia; Urbani, Stefano; Acocella, Valerio; (2019-08)
This data publication includes movies and figures of twenty-six analogue models which are used to investigate what controls sill emplacement, defining a hierarchy among a... -
Supplement to: The influence of detachment strength on the evolving deformational energy budget of physical accretionary prisms
McBeck, Jessica; Cooke, Michele; Souloumiac, Pauline; Maillot, Bertrand; Mary, Baptiste; (2016-10)
Tracking the evolution of the deformational energy budget within accretionary systems provides insight into the driving mechanisms that control fault development. To quantify...