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Applied Filters
2930 data publications found
Dataset for the paper "Crespo-Ibáñez, Ana; Pérez, Gloria ; Jiménez, José A.; Llorente, Irene; Martínez-Ramírez, S.; Cano, Emilio; Díaz, Iván. 2022 . Evolution and Evaluation of Aesthetic Properties in Weathering Steel Accelerated Patinas: The Role of Lepidocrocite. Metals 12(6): 977"
Crespon-Ibáñez, Ana | Pérez, Gloria | Jiménez, José A. | Llorente, Irene | Martínez-Ramírez, S. | Cano, Emilio | Díaz, Iván
[Dataset] Numerical models for the simulation of sedimentary geothermal systems and the potential for induced seismicity
Kivi, Iman Rahimzadeh | Pujades, Estanislao | Rutqvist, Jonny | Vilarrasa, Víctor
This dataset comprises the input files for numerical simulation of 30-years cold water reinjection through a doublet for geothermal exploitation of a hot sedimentary aquifer (HSA) and the associated risk for reactivating distant faults. Numerical models explore the effect of fault...
Dataset of Operando Exploration of Tribochemical Decomposition in Synthetic FeS2 thin film and Mineral Iron Pyrite
Muñoz-Cortés, Esmeralda | Sánchez-Prieto, Jesús | Zabala, Borja | Sánchez, Carlos | Flores, Eduardo | Flores, Araceli | Román García, Elisa Leonor | Ares, José R. | Nevshupa, Roman
Datasets of mass-spectrometry signals were obtained in the experiments with non-thermal tribochemical decomposition of synthetic thin-film iron sulphide and mineral iron pyrite. Tribochemical reactions were studied on a micrometre scale using localized rubbing under ultrahigh vacuum....
Full-Field numerical simulations of sub grain rotation and grain boundary migration in halite during viscoplastic deformation
Hao, Baoqin | Llorens, Maria-Gema | Griera, Albert | Bons, Paul Dirk | Lebensohn, Ricardo A. | Yu, Yuanchao | Gómez-Rivas, Enrique
The way in which salt flows is highly heterogeneous and results in complex fabrics and structures. To improve our understanding of how halite deforms and recrystallizes under different conditions we performed full-field numerical modelling of polycrystalline aggregates of halite. The...
Dataset for analytical and numerical solutions of cyclic pore pressure diffusion equation
Sciandra, Dario | Kivi, Iman Rahimzadeh | Makhnenko, Roman Y. | Rebscher, Dorothee | Vilarrasa, Víctor
This dataset encompasses the input files associated with diverse analytical and numerical models investigating cyclic pressure diffusion within uniform poroelastic materials. The dataset is organized into two primary folders. The "Analytical Solutions" folder comprises three Python libraries...
[Dataset] Global physics-based database of injection-induced seismicity
Kivi, Iman Rahimzadeh | Boyet, Auregan | Wu, Haiqing | Walter, Linus | Hanson-Hedgecock, Sara | Parisio, Francesco | Vilarrasa, Víctor
We present a comprehensive, publicly accessible database of injection-induced seismicity. The database is sourced from a comprehensive review of more than 500 published documents and contains information for 158 cases of induced earthquakes from around the world. The collected earthquakes are...
Dataset for Effectiveness of Injection protocols for hydraulic stimulation in Enhanced Geothermal Systems
Tangirala, Sri Kalyan | Parisio, Francesco | Vaezi, Iman | Vilarrasa, Víctor
This dataset includes the input files of the numerical models used in the manuscript for simulating the hydraulic stimulation in Enhanced Geothermal System with a single fracture setup. Each folder is named after the corresponding injection protocol in the manuscript, i.e., Constant, Step,...
VERDI [Dataset]
Reñé, Albert | Timoneda Solé, Natàlia | Sarno, Diana | Zingone, Adriana | Margiotta, Francesca | Passarelli, Augusto | Gallia, Roberto | Tramontano, Ferdinando | Montresor, Marina | Garcés, Esther
The presence of phytoplankton parasites along the water column was explored at the Long Term Ecological Station MareChiara (LTER-MC) in the Gulf of Naples (Mediterranean Sea) in October 2019. Microscopy analyses showed diatoms dominating the phytoplankton community in the upper layers (0-20 m)....
NEIGRA - North-East Iberian Granitoids Database. Geochemistry of granitoids and orthogneisses from the Pyrenees and the Catalan Coastal Ranges
González-Esvertit, Eloi | Canals, Angels | Prieto-Torrell, Carla | Bons, Paul D. | Llorens, Maria-Gema | Casas, Josep Maria | Aguilar, Carmen | Neilson, Joyce | Elburg, Marlina A. | Gomez-Rivas, Enrique
Geochemical data of the Variscan gneisses derived from pre-Variscan intrusives and late-Variscan granitoids in the Pyrenees and the Catalan Coastal Ranges were obtained from two main sources: (1) individually mined from published articles and unpublished PhD theses (Autran et al., 1970;...
Quantitative Study of Triboemission Kinetics from Polymer Fiber-Reinforced Mortar Paving Blocks: Unraveling the Dynamics of Nanoparticle Aerosol Release
Husanu, Francisca | Alonso, Álvaro | Calderón, Verónica | Castellote, Marta | Nevshupa, Roman
Mortar blocks with addition of recycled polyurethane fibers (PUF) were subjected to abrasion using an original pin-on-disk tribometer in order to investigate the kinetic parameters and emission mechanisms of fine and ultrafine aerosol nanoparticles and the effect of the fiber concentration on...