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Data Publication
Paleomagnetic data of the Balzes Anticline
Rodríguez-Pintó, Adriana | Pueyo, Emilio L. | Sánchez, Elisa
GFZ Data Services
This dataset is built from data published in two different articles (Rodríguez-Pintó et al. 2012 and 2016). The main scientific goal described in the articles is the quantification of vertical axis rotations (VAR) around the bended axis of the Balzes anticline in the South Pyrenean frontal thrust (External Sierras). 74 sites and one short magnetostratigraphic section were sampled following standard paleomagnetic field procedures; in total 984 oriented cores were drilled in the field. Paleomagnetic sites are evenly distributed along strike changes of the fold and were drilled in Eozene rock of the Ypresian (Cuisian), Lutetian and Bartonian rocks. Lithologies and affinity may vary; some rocks are marine limestones and marls (Boltaña, Paules and Guara Formations), others (sandy limestones and marls) represent transitional environments (Belsué-Atarés Formation) while the remaining are continental siltstones and sandstones from the Campodarbe Formation. Every site contains an average out of 9.6 standard cores (stand. dev. 5.8) but varies between 3 and 35. For the small magnetostratigraphic section 65 cores were sampled. Thermal demagnetization was the main laboratory analysis performed searching for VAR values at the site scale. The analyses were performed in the laboratories of the Universities of Barcelona and Burgos. 2G magnetometer were used to measure the magnetization in both laboratories and MMTD80 (Magnetic Measurements) and TD-48 SC (ASC Scientific) furnaces, respectively.
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GFZ Data Services
Rodríguez-Pintó, Adriana
Universidad de Vigo. Unidad de Magnetometría CACTI, Vigo, Spain
Pueyo, Emilio L.
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Zaragoza, Spain
Sánchez, Elisa
Universidad de Burgos, Facultad de Ciencias, Dpto. de Física, Burgos, Spain
Rodríguez-Pintó, A., Pueyo, E. L., Calvín, P., Sánchez, E., Ramajo, J., Casas, A. M., Ramón, M. J., Pocoví, A., Barnolas, A., & Román, T. (2016). Rotational kinematics of a curved fold: The Balzes anticline (Southern Pyrenees). Tectonophysics, 677–678, 171–189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2016.02.049
Rodriguez-Pintó, A., Pueyo, E. L., Barnolas, A., Pocoví, A., Oliva-Urcia, B., & Ramón, M. J. (2013). Overlapped paleomagnetic vectors and fold geometry: A case study in the Balzes anticline (Southern Pyrenees). Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 215, 43–57. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pepi.2012.10.005
Pueyo, Emilio L.
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Zaragoza, Spain
Rodríguez-Pintó, A., Pueyo, E. L., & Sánchez, E. (2020). Paleomagnetic data of the Balzes Anticline [Data set]. GFZ Data Services. https://doi.org/10.5880/FIDGEO.2020.041