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Applied Filters
2930 data publications found
Slide-Hold-Slide Data of Granular Materials Used In Analogue Modelling
Rudolf, Michael | Rosenau, Matthias | Oncken, Onno
This data set provides a series of experiments from ring-shear tests (RST) on various materials that are used at several laboratories worldwide. The data contains the results of slide-hold-slide tests and the processed outputs of standardized ring shear tester data from related publications....
Granular Healing - Python module associated to the 2022 GeoMod material benchmark
Rudolf, Michael
The software is provided as an executable python module. The software automatically analyzes the files present in the data publication. The results are saved in the form of the images presented in the main publication. Each figure is implemented as a dedicated function that first loads the...
Paleomagnetic data from Kope-Dagh, Northeast Iran
Mattei, Massimo | Visconti, Andrea Leonardo | Cifelli, Francesca | Nozaem, Reza | Winkler, Aldo | Sagnotti, Leonardo
This dataset includes paleomagnetic data from 70 sampling sites, collected in northeastern Iran during two campaigns carried out in August 2016 and September 2017 (Table 1). The data are supplement to Mattei et al. (2019). Data allow to reconstruct the rotation history of the outer margin of...
Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic data from sedimentary core collected at high latitude (NW Barents Sea): reconstructed age models and PSV - RPI stacks for the last 22 kyr
Caricchi, Chiara | Campuzano , Saioa A | Sagnotti, Leonardo | Macrì, Patrizia | Lucchi, Renata G.
This dataset includes paleomagnetic and rock magnetic analyses from four sediment cores collected on continental slope of Storfjorden (EG-02, EG-03, SV-04) and Kveithola (GeoB17603-3) trough‐mouth fans and two cores collected at the crest of the Bellsund (GS191-01PC) and Isfjorden (GS191-02PC)...
Surface displacement and strain data from laboratory subduction megathrust earthquake cycles
Kosari, Ehsan | Rosenau, Matthias | Metzger, Sabrina | Oncken, Onno
This data set is digital image correlation data, including surface displacement and strain data from laboratory subduction megathrust earthquake cycles. The data consists of grids of surface strain (elastic and permanent), trench-normal surface displacement, vorticity and divergence maps over...
Compilation of palaeomagnetic data from sediments and volcanic rocks spanning 30,000 to 50,000 years ago used to create the temporally continuous global spherical harmonic geomagnetic field model LSMOD.1
Brown, Maxwell | Korte, Monika | Holme, Richard | Wardinski, Ingo | Gunnarson, Sydney
Compilation of palaeomagnetic data from sediments and volcanic rocks from 68 sites spanning 30,000 to 50,000 years ago used to create the temporally continuous global spherical harmonic geomagnetic field model LSMOD.1. This is in supplement to the paper "Earth's magnetic field is (probably...
Paleomagnetic data from Ferdows and Yazd, Central Iran
Mattei, Massimo | Cifelli, Francesca | Alimohammadianb, Habib | Rashid, Hamideh
This dataset includes paleomagnetic data from 19 sampling sites, collected in central Iran during two sampling campaigns carried out in April 2011 (Yazd) and November 2011 (Ferdows). The data are supplement to Mattei et al. (2020). The sites were collected along two tectonic structures...
Time-lapse imagery, digital image correlation (DIC) and topographic analysis of laboratory experiments simulating the evolution of the East African Rift System
Zwaan, Frank | Schreurs, Guido
This data set includes overviews and videos depicting the surface evolution (time-lapse photographs, topography data and digital image correlation [DIC] analysis) of 6 analogue models simulating rotational rift tectonics. In these experiments we examined the links between rotational rifting and...
LSMOD.2 - Global paleomagnetic field model for 50 -- 30 ka BP
Korte, Monika | Brown, Maxwell
Global spherical harmonic paleomagnetic field model LSMOD.2 describes the magnetic field evolution from 50 to 30 ka BP based on published paleomagnetic sediment records and volcanic data. It is an update of LSMOD.1, with the only difference being a correction to the geographic locations of...
LSMOD.1 - Global paleomagnetic field model for 50 -- 30 ka BP
Korte, Monika | Brown, Maxwell | Gunnarson, Sydney
Global spherical harmonic paleomagnetic field model LSMOD.1 describes the magnetic field evolution from 50 to 30 ka BP based on published paleomagnetic sediment records and volcanic data. The time interval includes the Laschamp (~41 ka BP) and Mono Lake (~34 ka BP) excursions. The model is...