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Data Publication
L chondrite meteorite phosphate microscopy and U-Pb analyses
Walton, Craig | Shorttle, Oliver | Whitehouse, Martin J | Jeon, Heejin | Hu, Sen
British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Data Centre (UKRI/NERC)
Microscopy (Scanning Electron Microscopy, Cathodoluminescence Imaging) and U-Pb isotopic (Secondary Ionisation Mass Spectrometry) analyses of phosphate minerals in a suite of nine L chondrite meteorites (and one reference analysis of an LL chondrite). The dataset includes multiple SIMS spot analyses of phosphates in each meteorite, as well as images at multiple scales of all grains analysed. The data is reported and analysed in Walton et al., 2022 GCA. Data for following samples: Kyushu BM.1905,67 (P30906) Lincoln County BM.1959,882 (P24052) Monze BM.1951,84 (P30910) Indianola BM.1959,876 (P30907) Alfianello BM.55240 (P30893) McKinney (Sedgwick Museum CRWM 2) PR (Sedgwick Museum 11921) Beenham (Sedgwick Museum 16754) Chateau Renard (L 4361, VNHM)
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Source publisher
British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Data Centre (UKRI/NERC)
Walton, Craig
University of Cambridge;
Shorttle, Oliver
University of Cambridge;
Whitehouse, Martin J
Swedish Museum of Natural History;
Jeon, Heejin
Swedish Museum of Natural History;
Hu, Sen
Institute of Geology and Geophysics;
Walton, C., Shorttle, O., Whitehouse, M. J., Jeon, H., & Hu, S. (2023). L chondrite meteorite phosphate microscopy and U-Pb analyses [Data set]. NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre. https://doi.org/10.5285/A12602C6-51B0-459D-9B45-73DD93F6FA4D