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Laboratory Details

Laboratory of X-Ray Diffraction

The X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Service of the ICTJA-CSIC is an analytical facility focused on the qualitative and quantitative characterization of the crystalline phases of materials. The XRD Service, with more than 30 years of experience in the field, offers support to ICTJA researchers and also to external users from public and private universities and companies worlwide.

One of the main objectives of the XRD Service at ICTJA is to support the ongoing investigations carried out by ICTJA researchers and collaborators on Earth Sciences topics, including studies of volcanology, petrology and sedimentology. The XRD Service offers also support to external researchers working in geology, materials science, environment, chemistry, pharmacy, archaeology, etc. A large number of companies and organizations from the public or private sectors make use of the XRD Service at ICTJA-CSIC for their industrial applications, quality control, environmental studies, forensics, etc.

Our lab also performs in-situ elemental analyses, using a portable (handheld) X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer. This equippment is ideally suited for field work, as it provides fast geochemical information that can be later complemented with more accurate laboratory measurements. This equipment is ideal to investigate cultural heritage materials and for a range of industrial applications.

This is a list of analytical servicies provided by the lab:

  • Identification and semi-quantification of crystalline phases by powder XRD
  • Crystal-quality assessment, composition determination and microstructural analyses
  • Application of the Rietveld method for profile adjustment, structure refinement and quantitative phase analyses
  • Investigation of small or inhomogeneous samples with micro-diffraction
  • Determination of crystalline structures
  • In-situ XRF measurements for prospective geology, sedimentology and cultural heritage studies



Organization name

Geociencias Barcelona (Geo3BCN - CSIC)


C/ Lluís Solé i Sabarís
