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Laboratory Details

LCGM- Laboratory for Characterization of Geological Materials

This laboratory includes the Fluid Inclusions Lab equipped with a Chaixmeca and Linkam heating-freezing stages (-180°C to 600°C) with automated temperature regulation that allows Fluid inclusions analysis with a characterization of composition and salinity of different fluid inclusion populations and their minimal temperature of entrapment and the Raman Lab equipped with a LabRAM and XploRATM microspectrometers (Horiba Jobin Yvon). The available excitation wavelengths are 532 nm, 632.8 nm, and 785 nm. These allow the identification and characterization of mineral phases, are calibrated to quantify volatiles such as CO2, CH4, and N2 in fluid inclusions, and can be coupled to a Linkam heating-freezing stage. These types of equipment allow for high-resolution chemical analysis of a broad range of materials, from rocks, minerals, and ores to bioaerosol, microplastics, airborne pollen, and fish otoliths to study their interaction with pollutants, to materials such as fly ashes for green energy technologies and water cleaning, and on different materials to recover critical materials. They have also been used for archaeometry, art conservation, food, and electronic ship analysis research.


Microscopy and tomography

Organization name

University of Porto


Rua do Campo Alegre 687
