Paleomagnetism of Paleozoic strata, Brabant and Ardennes Massifs, Belgium: Implications of prefolding and postfolding Late Carboniferous secondary magnetizations for European apparent polar wander (Dataset)

Roberto S. Molina Garza; J. D. A. Zijderveld;

1996 || Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC)

Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Roberto S. Molina Garza, J. D. A. Zijderveld (1996). Paleomagnetism of Paleozoic strata, Brabant and Ardennes Massifs, Belgium: Implications of prefolding and postfolding Late Carboniferous secondary magnetizations for European apparent polar wander. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 101 (B7):15799-15818. doi:10.1029/96jb00325.

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Source publisher Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC)
DOI 10.7288/V4/MAGIC/14097
  • Roberto S. Molina Garza

  • J. D. A. Zijderveld
  • Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC)
  • Distributor
  • Garza, R. S. M., & Zijderveld, J. D. A. (1996). Paleomagnetism of Paleozoic strata, Brabant and Ardennes Massifs, Belgium: Implications of prefolding and postfolding Late Carboniferous secondary magnetizations for European apparent polar wander. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 101(B7), 15799–15818. Portico.
  • 10.1029/96JB00325
  • IsDocumentedBy
Citation Garza, R. S. M., & J. D. A. Zijderveld. (1996). Paleomagnetism of Paleozoic strata, Brabant and Ardennes Massifs, Belgium: Implications of prefolding and postfolding Late Carboniferous secondary magnetizations for European apparent polar wander (Dataset) (Version 2) [Data set]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.