Paleomagnetic data from Ferdows and Yazd, Central Iran
Mattei, Massimo; Cifelli, Francesca; Alimohammadianb, Habib; Rashid, Hamideh; (2023-09)
This dataset includes paleomagnetic data from 19 sampling sites, collected in central Iran during two sampling campaigns carried out in April 2011 (Yazd) and November 2011... -
Paleomagnetic data from Kope-Dagh, Northeast Iran
Mattei, Massimo; Visconti, Andrea Leonardo; Cifelli, Francesca; Nozaem, Reza; Winkler, Aldo; Sagnotti, Leonardo; (2023-09)
This dataset includes paleomagnetic data from 70 sampling sites, collected in northeastern Iran during two campaigns carried out in August 2016 and September 2017 (Table 1). The... -
Particle image velocimetry data from an analog seismo-tectonic model addressing the interaction between neighbor asperities
Corbi, Fabio; Bedford, Jonathan; Poli, Piero; Funiciello, Francesca; Deng, Zhiguo; (2022-03)
This dataset includes the results of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) of one experiment on subduction megathrust earthquakes (with interacting asperities) performed at the... -
Particle image correlation data from Foamquake: a novel seismotectonic analog model mimicking the megathrust seismic cycle
Mastella, Giacomo; Corbi, Fabio; Funiciello, Francesca ; Matthias, Rosenau; (2022-02)
This dataset includes particle image correlation data from 26 experiments performed with Foamquake, a novel analog seismotectonic model reproducing the megathrust seismic cycle.... -
Supplementary material to "Machine Learning can predict the timing and size of analog earthquakes"
Corbi, Fabio; Sandri, Laura; Bedford, Jonathan; Funiciello, Francesca; Brizzi, Silvia; Rosenau, Matthias; et al. (2016-01)
This data set includes the results of digital image correlation of one experiment on subduction megathrust earthquakes with interacting asperities performed at the Laboratory of... -
Supplementary material to "Rough subducting seafloor reduces interseismic coupling and mega-earthquake occurrence: insights from analogue models"
van Rijsingen, Elenora; Funiciello, Francesca; Corbi, Fabio; Lallemand, Serge; (2019-04)
This dataset contains digital image correlation (DIC) data of eight seismotectonic analogue experiments that were performed at the Laboratory of Experimental Tectonics (LET),... -
Top-view and cross-section photographs from analogue experiments of strain partitioning during coeval indentation and back-arc extension performed in the Tectonic modelling laboratory (TecLab) at Utrecht University
Krstekanić, Nemanja; (2021)
This dataset contains original unaltered top-view and cross-section photographs of 4 crustal-scale analogue models. Top-view photographs were taken at a regular time interval...