High-angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction data (HR-EBSD) from olivine and quartz
Wallis, David; Hansen, Lars; Britton, Ben; Wilkinson, Angus; (2019)
This dataset is supplemental to the paper Wallis et al. (2019) and contains data derived from distortion of crystal lattices measured using conventional electron backscatter... -
Source parameters of Acoustic Emissions from triaxial experiments on Westerly granite, Aue Granite and Flechtigen Sandstone
Goebel, Thomas; Kwiatek, Grzegorz; Stanchits, Sergei; Davidsen, Joern; (2021)
This dataset is supplementary material to "What controls the presence and characteristics of aftershocks in rock fracture in the lab?" by Joern Davidsen, Thomas H. W. Goebel,... -
Acoustic Emission and Seismic moment tensor catalogs associated with triaxial stick-slip experiments performed on Westerly Granite samples
Kwiatek, Grzegorz; Goebel, Thomas; (2024)
The dataset contains source parameters of acoustic emission (AE) events recorded during triaxial friction (stick-slip) experiments performed on the Westerly Granite sample... -
Data accompanying ‘Microstructural controls on thermal crack damage and the presence of a temperature-memory effect during cyclic thermal stressing of rocks’ submitted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters
Browning, John; Daoud, Ali; Meredith, Philip; Mitchell, Thomas; (2020)
Acoustic emissions (AE) and ultrasonic wave velocity data recorded during a series of high temperature thermal cracking experiments by Daoud et al., in the Rock and Ice Physics... -
Stress, strain, velocity and attenuation data of shale, limestone and sandstone samples brought to failure
Auke Barnhoorn; J. (Jeroen) Verheij; M. (Marcel) Frehner; A. (Alimzhan) Zhubayev; M.E. (Maartje) Houben; (2018)
The dataset contains the data that is published in the Geophysics paper: Experimental identification of the transition from elasticity to inelasticity from ultrasonic... -
Supporting data for "Early detection of stress changes and failure using acoustic measurements - Chapter 3 Precursory signals to the onset of laboratory stress-driven fault slip through acoustic monitoring"
Aukje Veltmeijer; (2024)
Ultrasonic monitoring of cyclic stress-driven fault reactivation experiments in the rock deformation laboratory. Includes the waveforms and loading data (force, displacement,...