Anisotropic broadband spectral induced polarization (SIP) data of black shale and mudstone from the Moffat Shale Group (Ireland)
Römhild, Lukas; Sonntag, Martin; Kiyan, Duygu; Rogers, Russell; Rath, Volker; Börner, Jana H.; (2022)
This data set includes broadband (1e-4 to 1e5 Hz) frequency-dependent, complex electrical conductivity data, which have been measured in the laboratory by means of the spectral... -
Magnetic susceptibility and thin sections data from the the Alftafjordur volcanic system in Eastern Iceland
Trippanera, Daniele; Urbani, Stefano; Kissel, Catherine; Winkler, Aldo; Sagnotti, Leonardo; Nazzareni, Sabrina; et al. (2020-11)
This dataset contains supplementary materials to the manuscripts “Interpreting inverse magnetic fabric in Miocene dikes from Eastern Iceland” by Trippanera et al., (submitted to... -
Supporting information for the article: Elastic geobarometry for anisotropic inclusions in anisotropic host minerals: quartz-in-zircon.
Joseph Gonzalez; Mattia Mazzucchelli; Ross John Angel; Matteo Alvaro; (2021)
This dataset contains the supporting information for the article: Gonzalez et al. Elastic geobarometry for anisotropic inclusions in anisotropic host minerals: quartz-in-zircon....