Properties of rock analogue materials used for Foamquake: a novel seismotectonic analog model mimicking the megathrust seismic cycle at RomaTre University (Italy)
Mastella, Giacomo; Corbi, Fabio; Funiciello, Francesca; Rosenau, Matthias; Rudolf, Michael; Kosari, Ehsan; (2021)
This dataset provides friction and elasticity data from ring shear and axial tests, respectively, on rock analogue materials used at the University Roma Tre (Rome, IT) in... -
Drained ring-shear test data of wet silica powder-glass beads-PVC powder mixture “CM2” used for analogue modelling in the laboratory for experimental tectonics (LET) at RomaTre University, Rome, Italy
Reitano, Riccardo; Rosenau, Matthias; Conrad, Ethan M.; Faccenna, Claudio; Funiciello, Francesca; (2023)
This dataset provides friction data from drained ring-shear tests on a wet (water saturated) silica powder-glass beads-PVC powder mixture (40:40:20 wt.%) “CM2”, used in analogue... -
Ring-shear test data of garnet sand used for analogue modelling in the experimental tectonics laboratory at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam
Rosenau, Matthias; Pohlenz, Andre; (2023-11)
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests on garnet sand used in analogue modelling of tectonic processes as a rock analogue for “strong” or “high density”... -
Ring-shear test data of corundum sand “NKF120” used for analogue modelling in the experimental tectonics laboratory at GFZ Potsdam
Rosenau, Matthias; Pohlenz, Andre; (2023-11)
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests on corundum sand “NKF120” used in analogue modelling of tectonic processes as a rock analogue for “strong” or “high... -
Slide-Hold-Slide Data of Granular Materials Used In Analogue Modelling
Rudolf, Michael; Rosenau, Matthias; Oncken, Onno; (2023-03)
This data set provides a series of experiments from ring-shear tests (RST) on various materials that are used at several laboratories worldwide. The data contains the results of... -
Ring-shear test data of glass beads <50 µm used for analogue experiments in the tectonic modelling labs at GFZ Potsdam and the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
Rudolf, Michael; Rosenau, Matthias; Warsitzka, Michael; Zavada, Prokop; (2022-12)
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests on glass beads with a diameter of less than 50 µm used in analogue modelling of tectonic processes as a rock analogue... -
Ring-shear test data of glass beads 100-200 µm used for analogue experiments in the tectonic modelling labs at GFZ Potsdam and the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
Rosenau, Matthias; Kemnitz, Helga; Pohlenz, Andre; Warsitzka, Michael; Zavada, Prokop; (2022-12)
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests on glass beads with a diameter of 100-200 µm used in analogue modelling of tectonic processes as a rock analogue for... -
Ring-shear test data of glass beads 200-300 µm used for analogue experiments in the tectonic modelling labs at GFZ Potsdam and the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Science, Prague
Rosenau, Matthias; Kemnitz, Helga; Pohlenz, Andre; Warsitzka, Michael; Zavada, Prokop; (2022-12)
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests on glass beads with a diameter of 200-300 µm used in analogue modelling of tectonic processes as a rock analogue for... -
Ring-shear test data of feldspar sand FS900S used in the Tectonic Modelling Laboratory at the University of Bern (Switzerland)
Zwaan, Frank; Schreurs, Guido; Rudolf, Michael; Rosenau, Matthias; (2022-12)
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests on feldspar sand FS900S used for the simulation of brittle behaviour in crust- and lithosphere-scale analogue... -
Experimental data of analogue models addressing the influence of crustal strength, tectonic inheritance and stretching/ shortening rates on crustal deformation and basin reactivation
Guillaume, Benjamin; Gianni, Guido; Kermarrec, Jean-Jacques; Bock, Khaled; (2022-07)
This dataset includes video sequences and strain analysis of 12 analogue models studying crustal-scale deformation and basin reactivation, performed at the Laboratory of... -
Ring-shear test data of wheat flour used for analogue experiments in the laboratory of the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Science, Prague
Warsitzka, Michael; Zavada, Prokop; Rosenau, Matthias; (2022-04)
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests (RST) for wheat flour used as a fine-grained, cohesive analogue material for simulating brittle upper crustal rocks in... -
Ring Shear and Slide-Hold-Slide Test Measurements for Soda-Lime Glassbeads of 300-400µm diameter used at the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling, Potsdam, Germany
Rudolf, Michael; Rosenau, Matthias; Oncken, Onno; (2021-11)
This data set provides two series of experiments from ring-shear tests (RST) on glass beads that are in use at the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the... -
Ring-shear test data of quartz sand – silicate cenospheres mixtures used for analogue experiments at the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Science, Prague
Warsitzka, Michael; Závada, Prokop; Krýza, Ondřej; Pohlenz, Andre; Rosenau, Matthias; (2021-09)
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests (RST) for mixtures of quartz sand and sili-cate cenospheres, which are used for analog experiments in the laboratory of... -
Ring shear test data of glass beads 300-400 µm used for analogue experiments in the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam
Pohlenz, Andre; Rudolf, Michael; Kemnitz, Helga; Rosenau, Matthias; (2020-08)
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests (RST) on glass beads used in the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the GFZ German Research Centre... -
Ring shear test data of glass beads 70-110 µm used for analogue experiments in the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam
Pohlenz, Andre; Rudolf, Michael; Kemnitz, Helga; Rosenau, Matthias; (2020-08)
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests (RST) on glass beads used in the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the GFZ German Research Centre... -
Ring shear test data of glass beads 40-70 µm used for analogue experiments in the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam
Pohlenz, Andre; Rudolf, Michael; Kemnitz, Helga; Rosenau, Matthias; (2020-08)
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests (RST) on glass beads used in the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the GFZ German Research Centre... -
Ring-shear test data of quartz sand G23 used for analogue experiments in the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam
Rosenau, Matthias; Pohlenz, Andre; Kemnitz, Helga; Warsitzka, Michael; (2018-12)
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests (RST) for a quartz sand (type “G23”). This material is used in various types of analogue experiments in the Helmholtz... -
Ring-shear test data of quartz sand G12 used for analogue experiments in the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam
Rosenau, Matthias; Pohlenz, Andre; Kemnitz, Helga; Warsitzka, Michael; (2018-12)
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests (RST) for a quartz sand (“G12”). This material is used in various types of analogue experiments in the Helmholtz... -
Ring-shear test data of foam glass beads used for analogue experiments in the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam and the Institute of Geosciences, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Warsitzka, Michael; Ge, Zhiyuan; Schönebeck, Jan-Michael; Pohlenz, Andre; Kukowski, Nina; (2019-06)
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests (RST) for two types of foam glass beads and a mixture of foam glass beads with quartz sand (“G12”; Rosenau et al.,... -
Ring-shear test data of different quartz sands and glass beads used for analogue experiments in the experimental laboratory of the Chengdu University of Technology (EPOS Transnational Access Call 2017)
Deng, Bin; Schönebeck, Jan; Warsitzka, Michael; Rosenau, Matthias; (2020-01)
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests (RST) on natural and artificial granular materials used for analogue modelling in the experimental laboratory of the...