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Data Publication

UKGEOS Glasgow GGC01 Final Borehole Information Pack

Monaghan, Alison | Damaschke, Magret | Starcher, Vanessa | Fellgett, Mark | Kingdon, Andrew | Kearsey, Tim | Hannis, Sarah | Gillespie, Martin | Shorter, Kirsty | Elsome, Jack | Barnett, Megan

British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Data Centre (UKRI/NERC)


The borehole information pack from borehole GGC01, site 10 of the UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow facility. This final data release pack from BGS contains geophysical (MSCL-S), Near Infrared (NIR) and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF; mineralogical and chemical) core scan and core-wireline depth integration data, in addition to sedimentology, discontinuity and engineering logs, core scan optical and X-ray images, composite and digital wireline logs, drillers' summary logs and prognosis, sample recovery information spreadsheets and daily drillers' borehole records that were contained within the now-superseded intermediate data release. The cored, seismic monitoring borehole was drilled between 19 November and 12 December 2018 to 199m producing a core of 102 mm diameter. The borehole was wireline logged in December 2018 and a string of 5 seismometers were installed in February 2019. A range of fluid, water and core samples were taken during the drilling process. The borehole information pack- final release contains a range of logs on the core as well as images and scans of that core, these data were acquired in the first half of 2019 and late 2020/early 2021. The final data release for GGC01 includes: 1. UKGEOSGlasgow_GGC01_Final.zip file that includes the majority of the various data files, including files from the intermediate and initial data packs. 2. UKGEOSGlasgowGGC01_slabbedhighresimages.zip that contains the slabbed core optical images, 51GB in size. 3. Intermediate Borehole Information Pack - Part Two, high resolution whole core optical and radiographic images https://doi.org/10.5285/0b49f25b-a5d6-401c-98ff-397ad9ee9ed1 71GB in size, already released. Further details and model limitations can be found in the accompanying report http://nora.nerc.ac.uk/id/eprint/530762


Originally assigned keywords
seismic monitoring borehole
sedimentology log
discontinuity log
engineering log
core scan log
drillers log
geophysical core scan
Xray fluorescence
near infrared core scan
geophysical wireline log

Corresponding MSL vocabulary keywords
three-component seismic station
x-ray fluorescence spectrometer

MSL enriched keywords
seismic monitoring
three-component seismic station
x-ray spectrometer
x-ray fluorescence spectrometer
Facility names
UK Geos
Facility types
monitoring borehole
borehole monitoring
borehole drilling
drill core

MSL enriched sub domains i

geo-energy test beds

Source publisher

British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Data Centre (UKRI/NERC)




Monaghan, Alison

Damaschke, Magret

Starcher, Vanessa

Fellgett, Mark

Kingdon, Andrew

Kearsey, Tim

Hannis, Sarah

Gillespie, Martin

Shorter, Kirsty

Elsome, Jack

Barnett, Megan


Monaghan, A., Damaschke, M., Starcher, V., Fellgett, M., Kingdon, A., Kearsey, T., Hannis, S., Gillespie, M., Shorter, K., Elsome, J., & Barnett, M. (2021). UKGEOS Glasgow GGC01 Final Borehole Information Pack [Data set]. NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre. https://doi.org/10.5285/E38C58A6-48EC-4AD1-A996-6C6144968D7D

Geo location(s)

Dalmarnock, Glasgow