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Data Publication

Data package with "Noncontacting laser-based acousto-seismics at the laboratory scale: towards near-real-time monitoring of granular analogue models"

Smits, Jasper

YoDa Data Repository, Utrecht University, Netherlands


This data was generated using the seismo-acoustic setup for geological materials in the TecLab in Utrecht, described in the research paper that will accompany this data set. The data has been acquired using a PolyTec Vibrometer, and the data files provided contain all the raw data, processed only for ease of storage and interpretation (such as converting from the raw ADC units to SI units). The data files moreover contain a few datasets generated in postprocessing, such as a time array for each trace, with the same dimensions as the velocity array, a similar time array for the signal strength, and a velocity array which is the average of all the raw velocity data for that source-receiver point pair, including background substraction. The data is in a custom HDF5 format. While it is possible to handle the data in this Data Publication using any HDF5 reader, it is recommended to use the class ExperimentalData from the data_proc_classes.py Python script. The accompanied README.txt file briefly describes the contents of the datapackage required to generate the data-based figures in the publicaton "Noncontacting laser-based acousto-seismics at the laboratory scale: towards near-real-time monitoring of granular analogue models", by Jasper Smits, Ivan Vasconcelos, Ernst Willingshofer and Fred Beekman. Data files also contain a large amount of metadata regarding settings of the vibrometer and laser, but lacks a description of the sample. The sample is thorougly described in the accompanying publication, but a short description of the sample and sample material is also included in this README. Data regarding the humidity and temperature data is stored only in the notebook 20230303_humidity.ipynb. This research was enabled by EPOS-NL, the Dutch research infrastructure for solid Earth sciences. Compiled by Jasper Smits - j.smits@uu.nl Alternative contact Fred Beekman - w.w.w.beekman@uu.nl


Originally assigned keywords
Natural Sciences Physical sciences 13
Natural Sciences Earth and related environmental sciences 15
acoustic data
seismic data
wave propagation
surface waves
PolyTec Vibrometer
Python scripting
geological materials
analogue modelling

Corresponding MSL vocabulary keywords
laser vibrometer
analogue modelling

MSL enriched keywords
Ancillary equipment
model structure monitoring (3D)
acoustic measurement - active source
laser vibrometer
analogue modelling
silicate minerals

MSL original sub domains

analogue modelling of geologic processes

MSL enriched sub domains i

analogue modelling of geologic processes

Source publisher

YoDa Data Repository, Utrecht University, Netherlands




Smits, Jasper


Utrecht University;


Vasconcelos, Ivan



Shearwater Geoservices;

Willingshofer, Ernst


Utrecht University;

Beekman, Fred



Utrecht University;


Smits, J. (2024). Data package with "Noncontacting laser-based acousto-seismics at the laboratory scale: towards near-real-time monitoring of granular analogue models" (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Utrecht University. https://doi.org/10.24416/UU01-4DSYMI

Collection Period

2023-03-03 - 2023-03-03