Dataset of SEM images, modelled isopach map and topographic profiles, radiocarbon ages and data of parameters of Tephra2 and AshCalc codes of Holocene volcanic ashes of NW Argentina

Fernandez-Turiel, J. L.; Perez-Torrado, F. J.; Rodriguez-Gonzalez, A.; Saavedra, J.; Carracedo, J. C.; Rejas, M.; Lobo, A.; Osterrieth, M.; Carrizo, J. I.; Esteban, G.; Gallardo, J.; Ratto, N.;

This dataset compiles SEM images, modelled isopach map and topographic profiles, and data of radiocarbon ages, parameters of Tephra2 and AshCalc codes of Holocene volcanic ashes of of Southern Puna and neighbouring areas (NW Argentina). SEM images detail differences among the Bolsón de Fiambalá, Cerro Blanco and Cueros de Purulla fallout ash deposits. Tephra2 code was used to simulate the ash fallout, and the AshCalc code to compare different methods for ash volume estimates associated with the 4.2 ka cal BP eruption of the Cerro Blanco Volcanic Complex. Topographic profiles are used to explain the secondary thickening of fallout ash deposits.

Originally assigned keywords

Corresponding MSL vocabulary keywords

MSL enriched keywords

MSL enriched sub domains
  • microscopy and tomography
Source publisher DIGITAL.CSIC
DOI 10.20350/DIGITALCSIC/8629
  • Fernandez-Turiel, J. L.

  • Perez-Torrado, F. J.

  • Rodriguez-Gonzalez, A.

  • Saavedra, J.

  • Carracedo, J. C.

  • Rejas, M.

  • Lobo, A.

  • Osterrieth, M.

  • Carrizo, J. I.

  • Esteban, G.

  • Gallardo, J.

  • Ratto, N.
  • Digital.CSIC
  • DataManager

  • Digital.CSIC
  • HostingInstitution
  • 10.3989/egeol.43438.515
  • DOI
Citation Fernandez-Turiel, J. L., Perez-Torrado, F. J., Rodriguez-Gonzalez, A., Saavedra, J., Carracedo, J. C., Rejas, M., Lobo, A., Osterrieth, M., Carrizo, J. I., Esteban, G., Gallardo, J., & Ratto, N. (2019). Dataset of SEM images, modelled isopach map and topographic profiles, radiocarbon ages and data of parameters of Tephra2 and AshCalc codes of Holocene volcanic ashes of NW Argentina [Data set]. DIGITAL.CSIC.