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Data Publication
FIB-SEM and X-ray micro-tomographic images of carbonate rock dissolution during reactive CO2-saturated brine injection under reservoir conditions
Kamaljit Singh, Imperial College London | Martin Blunt, Imperial College London | Qatar Carbonates And Carbon Storage Research Centre
British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Data Centre (UKRI/NERC)
The datasets contain FIB-SEM and X-ray micro-tomographic images of a wettability-altered carbonate rock sample before and after dissolution with reactive CO2-saturated brine at reservoir pressure and temperature conditions. The data were acquired with the aim of investigating CO2 storage in depleted oil fields that have oil-wet or mixed-wet conditions. Our novel procedure of injecting oil after reactive transport has revealed previously unidentified (ghost) regions of partially-dissolved rock grains that were difficult to identify in X-ray tomographic images after dissolution from single fluid phase experiments. The details of image files and imaging parameters are described in ‘readme’ file.
Originally assigned keywords
MSL enriched keywords
MSL enriched sub domains i
Source publisher
British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Data Centre (UKRI/NERC)
Kamaljit Singh, Imperial College London
Martin Blunt, Imperial College London
Qatar Carbonates And Carbon Storage Research Centre
British Geological Survey
Kamaljit Singh, I. C. L., Martin Blunt, I. C. L., & Qatar Carbonates And Carbon Storage Research Centre. (2018). FIB-SEM and X-ray micro-tomographic images of carbonate rock dissolution during reactive CO2-saturated brine injection under reservoir conditions [Data set]. British Geological Survey. https://doi.org/10.5285/31A77AB1-8F21-4A10-8540-034DA0DECE1E