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Applied Filters
2930 data publications found

Matlab files used to produce the figures in the publication: On the Derivation of Closed-Form Expressions for Displacements, Strains and Stresses Inside Poroelastic Reservoirs

Pavan Cornelissen | Jan Dirk Jansen


MATLAB code to recreate figures from the paper:Cornelissen, P., Meulenbroek, B.J., Jansen, J.D., (2023). On the Derivation of Closed-Form Expressions for Displacements, Strains and Stresses Inside Poroelastic Reservoirs. Submitted to JGR Solid Earth.The MATLAB scripts are used to compute the...

Supporting data for "Early detection of stress changes and failure using acoustic measurements - Chapter 6 Monitoring stress variations in layered offset samples in a true triaxial setting"

Aukje Veltmeijer | Milad Naderloo


<p>Acoustic monitoring of fault reactivation experiments in a True triaxial apparatus. Includes active acoustic waveforms, loading data (stress in three directions, pore fluid and displacement) and passive acoustic recordings.</p>

Data underlying the conference paper: Benchmarking analytical and numerical simulation of induced fault slip", paper ARMA 23-695

Jan Dirk Jansen


A small Excel file with data used to generate plots in a conference paper. Purpose of the paper is to provide analytical solutions that can serve as test problems for numerical tools to describe depletion-induced or injection-induced fault slip.Reference:Novikov, A.V., Shokrollahzadeh...

Fault reactivation from reservoir to fault scale: visualisation data

Martin Lesueur


<p>Visualisation of fault reactivation at two different scales, reservoir and fault. Plot of pressure equilibration across the fault and change of permeability.</p>

SEM/EDX analysis of the samples surface, together with information on chemical composition and the distribution of elements. Data underlying the research project "Gelatin-alginate hydrogels for hard-to-heal wounds" (GAlHyd)



This dataset contains data collected during investigation of hydrogels based on natural polymers (gelatin, sodium alginate), as part of the research project "Gelatin-alginate hydrogels for hard-to-heal wounds". The purpose of these experiments was to determine the chemical composition and the...

Data underlying the publication "Design of a Wasp-Inspired Biopsy Needle Capable of Self-Propulsion and Friction-Based Tissue Transport"

Jette Bloemberg | Suzanne van Wees | Vera Kortman | Aimée Sakes


Supporting information underlying the publication "Design of a Wasp-Inspired Biopsy Needle Capable of Self-Propulsion and Friction-Based Tissue Transport":S1 Data. Raw data set of the experimentsThe goal of the evaluation of the wasp-inspired biopsy needle was twofold: 1) assessing the...

Geothermal Project on TU Delft Campus – DEL-GT-01 core CT-scan data

Auke Barnhoorn | Hemmo A Abels | Gian Beekman | Stijn Beernink | Juliette Bruining | Kaylee Elliott | Beer van Esser | Philip J. Vardon | Tara Graafland | Susanne Laumann


A total of ~86 m of core were recovered from the producer well DELGT-01, of which 70 m are in a continuous sequence. The purpose was to core the caprock and the upper reservoir deposits. Cores have a diameter of 4 inches and were cut into 1 meter long sections. Each section have been...

Data underlying the publication "Design and evaluation of a ball spline wasp-inspired needle"

Jette Bloemberg | Zola Fung-A-Jou | Paul Breedveld | Aimée Sakes


Supporting information underlying the publication "Design and evaluation of a ball spline wasp-inspired needle":S1 Data. Raw data set of the experiments.To evaluate the performance of the Splinositor under controlled conditions, we performed two experiments in gelatin phantoms. The...

Database of Experimental Data on Three Geothermal Plays in the Netherlands from the ProperBase Project

Parvin Kolah Kaj | Hemmo A Abels | A. (Auke) Barnhoorn | Liliana Vargas Meleza | Philip J. Vardon


This database was developed as part of the ProperBase project at TU Delft, focusing on geothermal plays in the Netherlands. It compiles both existing and newly measured data on core samples, covering properties like wellbore, mineralogy, imaging, and mechanical/thermal traits. Built in...

Data underlying the PhD thesis: A Finite Volume Framework for Accurate Modeling of Fault Reactivation in Poroelastic Rocks

Aleksei Novikov


The data accompanying the dissertation "A Finite Volume Framework for Accurate Modeling of Fault Reactivation in Poroelastic Rocks". The data is provided for the three last chapters of the dissertation, includingChapter 4. Benchmarking Numerical Solution (ch4.zip)Chapter 5. Modeling of...