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Applied Filters
2930 data publications found
Digital Image Correlation of strike slip experiments in wet kaolin at different strain rates and boundary conditions
Cooke, Michele | Elston, Hanna | Chaipornkaew, Laainam
The data set includes the digital image correlation of 16 dextral strike-slip experiments performed at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (USA). The DIC data sets were used for a machine learning project to build a CNN that can predict off-fault deformation from active fault trace...
Rudolf, Michael
RST-Stick-Slipy is a software that analyzes the stick-slip characteristics of granular material tested with the ring shear tester RST.pc01 at the Helmholtz Tectonic Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec). This software uses the time series created by the machine to automatically detect slip...
Mechanical data of simulated basalt-built faults from rotary shear and direct shear experiments
Giacomel, Piercarlo | Ruggieri, Roberta | Scuderi, Marco Maria | Spagnuolo, Elena | Di Toro, Giulio | Collettini, Cristiano
Here we report the raw data of the friction experiments carried out on basalt-built simulated faults defined by rock-on-rock contacts and powdered gouge. The experiments were specifically designed to investigate the role of fault microstructure on the frictional properties of basalts and the...
Ring-shear test data of wheat flour used for analogue experiments in the laboratory of the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Science, Prague
Warsitzka, Michael | Zavada, Prokop | Rosenau, Matthias
This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests (RST) for wheat flour used as a fine-grained, cohesive analogue material for simulating brittle upper crustal rocks in the analogue labor-atory of the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Science (IGCAS). It is characterized...
VOLcanic conduit processes and their effect on PROjectile eXit dYnamics (VOLPROXY)
Montanaro, Cristian | Cerminara, Matteo
Volcanic projectiles are centimeter- to meter-sized clasts – both solid-to-molten rock fragments or lithic eroded from conduits – ejected during explosive volcanic eruptions that follow ballistic trajectories. Despite being ranked as less dangerous than large-scale processes such as pyroclastic...
Images and videos of analogue centrifuge models exploring marginal flexure during rifting in Afar, East Africa
Zwaan, Frank | Corti, Giacomo | Keir, Derek | Sani, Federico
This data set includes images and videos depicting the evolution of deformation and topography of 17 analogue experiments c passive margin development, to better understand the ongoing tectonics along the western margin of Afar, East Africa. The tectonic background that forms the basis for...
Particle image velocimetry data from an analog seismo-tectonic model addressing the interaction between neighbor asperities
Corbi, Fabio | Bedford, Jonathan | Poli, Piero | Funiciello, Francesca | Deng, Zhiguo
This dataset includes the results of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) of one experiment on subduction megathrust earthquakes (with interacting asperities) performed at the Laboratory of Experimental Tectonics (LET) Univ. Roma Tre in the framework of AspSync, the Marie Curie project (grant...
Particle image correlation data from Foamquake: a novel seismotectonic analog model mimicking the megathrust seismic cycle
Mastella, Giacomo | Corbi, Fabio | Funiciello, Francesca | Matthias, Rosenau
This dataset includes particle image correlation data from 26 experiments performed with Foamquake, a novel analog seismotectonic model reproducing the megathrust seismic cycle. The seismotectonic model has been monitored by the means of a high-resolution top-view monitoring camera. The dataset...
Pictures, DEMs, and raw data relative to analogue accretionary wedges
Reitano, Riccardo | Faccenna, Claudio | Funiciello, Francesca | Corbi, Fabio | Sternai, Pietro | Willett, Sean D. | Sembroni, Andrea | Lanari, Riccardo
This dataset includes raw data used in the paper by Reitano et al. (2022), focused on the effect of boundary conditions on the evolution of analogue accretionary wedges affected by both tectonics and surface processes; the paper also focuses on the balance between tectonics and surface...
Decorated dislocations and (HR-)EBSD data from olivine of the Oman-UAE ophiolite
Wallis, David | Sep, Mike | Hansen, Lars N.
This dataset is supplemental to the paper Wallis et al. (2021) and contains data on dislocations and their stress fields in olivine from the Oman-UAE ophiolite measured by oxidation decoration, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and high-angular resolution electron backscatter...