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Applied Filters
2930 data publications found
Jet spreading and Jet inclination induced through complex vent geometry
Schmid, Markus | Kueppers, Ulrich | Cigala, Valeria | Sesterhenn, Jörn | Dingwell, Donald
This dataset provides data from 36 rapid decompression experiments performed in the Fragmentation Lab at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU, Munich, Germany) supporting the publication Schmid, M, Kueppers U, Cigala V, Sesterhenn J and Dingwell DB (202x) “Release characteristics of...
Acoustic emission source parameters of laboratory triaxial stick-slip experiments on two Westerly granite samples
Blanke, Aglaja | Goebel, Thomas | Kwiatek, Grzegorz
These data are supplementary to the GJI research article of Blanke et al. 2020, in which static stress drop estimates of laboratory acoustic emission (AE) waveform records were analyzed. Stick-slip experiments were conducted on two triaxial loaded Westerly Granite samples of different...
Digital image correlation data from analogue modelling experiments addressing magma emplacement along simple shear and transtensional fault zones
Michail, Maria | Rudolf, Michael | Rosenau, Matthias | Riva, Alberto | Gianolla, Piero | Coltorti, Massimo
This data set includes the results of digital image correlation analysis applied to nine experiments (Table 1) on magma-tectonic interaction performed at the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling (HelTec) of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam in the framework of...
Seismic properties and mineralogy of core samples from the COSC-1 borehole, Sweden
Kästner, Felix | Wenning, Quinn | Zappone, Alba | Madonna, Claudio | Morales, Luiz F.G. | Pierdominici, Simona | Berndt, Christian | Schleicher, Anja M. | Wilke, Franziska D.H.
Core samples have been taken for complementary laboratory seismic measurements and mineralogical analyses on whole rock core from the COSC-1 borehole, Sweden (UTM 63.3124, 13.5259). These samples were used to provide and characterize the seismic properties (i.e., seismic velocities and...
Experimental data of analogue models of subduction investigating the interplays between mantle flow and slab pull
Guillaume, Benjamin | Funiciello, Francesca | Faccenna, Claudio
This dataset includes images depicting the evolution in map view and lateral view of 7 analogue experiments of subduction to better understand the interplays between slab pull and mantle flow at subduction zones. The experiments are performed under a natural gravity field and are designed to...
Ash generation of volcanic lapilli during rotary tumbling
Hornby, Adrian | Küppers, Ulrich | Maurer, Benedikt M. | Poetsch, Carina | Dingwell, Donald B.
Data supporting the publication Hornby, AJ, Kueppers U, Maurer BM, Poetsch C and Dingwell DB (2020) "Experimental constraints on volcanic ash generation and clast morphometrics in pyroclastic density currents and granular flows". In this study, fine ash is generated from lapilli-sized...
Host Rock Variability Powers the Diversity of Steam-Driven Eruptions
Montanaro, Cristian | Cronin, Shane J. | Scheu , Bettina Scheu | Kennedy, Ben | Scott, Bradley J. | Dingwell, Donald B.
Steam-driven eruptions are explosions that frequently occur in volcanic and geothermal areas. They are powered by the sudden release and expansion of steam and liquid water trapped under high pressure within the pore spaces of host rocks. We have experimentally studied how the strength of...
Stress strain data of experimentally deformed Carrara marble in the semi-brittle field
Rybacki, Erik | Niu, Lu | Evans, Brian
The data set contains stress-strain data of Carrara marble experimentally deformed in triaxial compression at temperatures of 20 – 800°C, confining pressures of 30 – 300 MPa, and strain rates between 10-3 and 10-6 s-1. This range covers conditions, at witch marble deforms in the semi-brittle...
Laboratory model data from experiments on fragmenting analogue rock avalanches
Haug, Øystein Thorden | Rosenau, Matthias | Rudolf, Michael | Leever, Karen | Oncken, Onno
This data set includes various laboratory model data derived from analogue rock avalanche experiments on the role of fragmentation on runout behavior. Detailed descriptions of the experiments and monitoring and analysis techniques can be found in Haug et al. (submitted) to which this data set...
Particle size distribution analyses of volcanic ash from Campi Flegrei (Italy) and Sakurajima (Japan) volcanoes
Del Bello, Elisabetta | Taddeucci, Jacopo | Scarlato, Piergiorgio | Giacalone, Emanuele
This data publication includes particle size distribution data of natural volcanic ash samples used as starting material for laboratory experiments simulating the aggregation/disaggregation of colliding volcanic ash particles. Full details of the experimental method can be found in Del Bello...