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2930 data publications found

Low-temperature magnetic behavior of multidomain titanomagnetites: TM0, TM16, and TM35 (Dataset)

Brian Carter-Stiglitz | Bruce Moskowitz | Peter Solheid | Thelma S. Berquó | Michael Jackson | Andrey Kosterov


Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Low-temperature magnetic behavior of multidomain titanomagnetites: TM0, TM16, and TM35

Thermochemical remanent magnetization in Precambrian rocks: Are we sure the geomagnetic field was weak? (Dataset)

A. V. Smirnov


Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Thermochemical remanent magnetization in Precambrian rocks: Are we sure the geomagnetic field was weak?

Palaeointensity determinations from historical and Holocene basalt lavas in Iceland (Dataset)

Hidefumi Tanaka | Yuko Hashimoto | Noriko Morita


Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Palaeointensity determinations from historical and Holocene basalt lavas in Iceland

Palaeointensity study of the Hawaiian 1960 lava: implications for possible causes of erroneously high intensities (Dataset)

Y. Yamamoto | H. Tsunakawa | H. Shibuya


Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Palaeointensity study of the Hawaiian 1960 lava: implications for possible causes of erroneously high intensities

Determination of the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field during archaeological times: Reliability of the Thellier Technique (Dataset)

M. J. Aitken | A. L. Allsop | G. D. Bussell | M. B. Winter


Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Determination of the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field during archaeological times: Reliability of the Thellier Technique

Eight thousand years of geomagnetic field intensity variations in the eastern Mediterranean (Dataset)

Agnès Genevey | Yves Gallet | Jean-Claude Margueron


Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Eight thousand years of geomagnetic field intensity variations in the eastern Mediterranean

Paleointensity of the Earth's magnetic field in Early Cretaceous time: The Paraná Basalt, Brazil (Dataset)

Andrei A. Kosterov | Mireille Perrin | Jonathan M. Glen | Robert S. Coe


Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Paleointensity of the Earth's magnetic field in Early Cretaceous time: The Paraná Basalt, Brazil

Evidence for geomagnetic excursions recorded in Brunhes and Matuyama Chron lavas from the trans-Mexican volcanic belt (Dataset)

Daniel M. Michalk | Harald N. Böhnel | Norbert R. Nowaczyk | Gerardo J. Aguírre-Diaz | Margarita López-Martínez | Steven Ownby | Jörg F. W. Negendank


Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Evidence for geomagnetic excursions recorded in Brunhes and Matuyama Chron lavas from the trans-Mexican volcanic belt

Archeomagnetism of potsherds from Grand Banks, Ontario: a test of low paleointensities in Ontario around A.D. 1000 (Dataset)

Claire Carvallo | David J. Dunlop


Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Archeomagnetism of potsherds from Grand Banks, Ontario: a test of low paleointensities in Ontario around A.D. 1000

High-fidelity paleointensity determination from historic volcanoes in Japan (Dataset)

Yongjae Yu


Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: High-fidelity paleointensity determination from historic volcanoes in Japan