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2930 data publications found
Palaeomagnetism of Permo-Triassic rocks from northern Slovenia, Yugoslavia, and the eastern margin of the Adriatic plate (Dataset)
Heinrich C. Soffel | Wolfgang Pohl | Stanko Buser
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Palaeomagnetism of Permo-Triassic rocks from northern Slovenia, Yugoslavia, and the eastern margin of the Adriatic plate
Paleomagnetism, stratigraphy, and petrology of the Upper Cretaceous Roskruge Volcanics at Bell Mountain, southeast Arizona (Dataset)
J. T. Hagstrum | P. W. Lipman | D. A. Sawyer
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Paleomagnetism, stratigraphy, and petrology of the Upper Cretaceous Roskruge Volcanics at Bell Mountain, southeast Arizona
Anticlockwise rotation of Italy between the Eocene and Miocene: palaeomagnetic evidence from the Colli Euganei, Italy (Dataset)
H. Soffel
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Anticlockwise rotation of Italy between the Eocene and Miocene: palaeomagnetic evidence from the Colli Euganei, Italy
Paleomagnetic evidence that the central block of Salinia (California) is not a far-traveled terrane (Dataset)
Katherine J. Whidden | Steve P. Lund | David J. Bottjer | Duane Champion | David G. Howell
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Paleomagnetic evidence that the central block of Salinia (California) is not a far-traveled terrane
Palaeomagnetism and palaeointensity studies of Scottish Devonian volcanic rocks (Dataset)
M. Kono
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Palaeomagnetism and palaeointensity studies of Scottish Devonian volcanic rocks
Age and duration of the réunion geomagnetic polarity event (Dataset)
Ian McDougall | N.D. Watkins
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Age and duration of the réunion geomagnetic polarity event
Magnetostratigraphy of the Mayerling section (Austria) and Erenkolu Mezarlik (Turkey) section: Improvement of the Carnian (late Triassic) magnetic polarity time scale (Dataset)
Yves Gallet | Jean Besse | Leopold Krystyn | Hervé Théveniaut | Jean Marcoux
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Magnetostratigraphy of the Mayerling section (Austria) and Erenkolu Mezarlik (Turkey) section: Improvement of the Carnian (late Triassic) magnetic polarity time scale
Paleomagnetic investigations and K-AR dating on the variscan plutonic massif of the champ du feu and its volcanic-sedimentary environment, northern vosges, France (Dataset)
J.B. Edel | R. Montigny | J.Y. Royer | R. Thuizat | F. Trolard
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Paleomagnetic investigations and K-AR dating on the variscan plutonic massif of the champ du feu and its volcanic-sedimentary environment, northern vosges, France
Magnetic stratigraphy and tectonic rotation of the Middle Eocene Matilija Sandstone and Cozy Dell Shale, Ventura County, California: implications for sequence stratigraphic correlations (Dataset)
Donald R Prothero | Justin R Britt
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Magnetic stratigraphy and tectonic rotation of the Middle Eocene Matilija Sandstone and Cozy Dell Shale, Ventura County, California: implications for sequence stratigraphic correlations
New Cretaceous and Early Tertiary paleomagnetic results from Xining-Lanzhou basin, Kunlun and Qiangtang blocks, China: Implications on the geodynamic evolution of Asia (Dataset)
N. Halim | J. P. Cogné | Y. Chen | R. Atasiei | J. Besse | V. Courtillot | S. Gilder | J. Marcoux | R. L. Zhao
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: New Cretaceous and Early Tertiary paleomagnetic results from Xining-Lanzhou basin, Kunlun and Qiangtang blocks, China: Implications on the geodynamic evolution of Asia