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354 data publications found

Surface displacement, self-attraction and loading and M2 ocean tide fields in view of anelastic solid Earth models

Huang, Pingping | Sulzbach, Roman | Tanaka, Yoshiyuki | Klemann, Volker | Dobslaw, Henryk | Martinec, Zdeněk | Thomas, Maik


As a supplement to Huang et al. (2021) “Anelasticity and lateral heterogeneities in Earth’s upper mantle: impact on surface displacements, self-attraction and loading and ocean tide dynamics”, the global amplitude and root-mean-square fields of surface vertical displacement and...

Detrital zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronometry data from the Leones Valley, Patagonian Andes

Falkowski, Sarah | Ehlers, Todd | Madella, Andrea | Glotzbach, Christoph | Georgieva, Viktoria | Strecker, Manfred


The data presented here were produced to study glacial and glacio-fluvial catchment erosion using 'tracer thermochronology' where detrital downstream samples can be used to infer the source elevation sectors of sediments when integrated with known surface bedrock ages from the catchment. For...

CT data, PIV analysis results and surface view videos of analogue models of interacting crustal and mantle weaknesses during rifting

Zwaan, Frank | Chenin, Pauline | Erratt, Duncan | Manatschal, Gianreto | Schreurs, Guido


This data set includes videos depicting the surface evolution (time laps photographs and Particle Image Velocimetry or PIV analsys) of 15 analogue models on rift tectonics, as well as 4D CT imagery (figures and videos) from four of these experiments. The experiments examined the influence of...

Mechanical test data of quartz sand, garnet sand, gypsum powder (plaster), kaolin and sand-plaster mixtures used as granular analogue materials in geoscience laboratory experiments

Poppe, Sam | Holohan, Eoghan P. | Rudolf, Michael | Rosenau, Matthias | Galland, Olivier | Delcamp, Audray | Van Gompel, Gert | Buls, Nico | Soens, Bastien | Pohlenz, Andre | Mourgues, Régis | Kervyn, Matthieu


This dataset provides mechanical test data for quartz sand (“MAM1ST-300”, Sibelco, Mol, Belgium), gypsum powder (plaster; “Goldband”, Knauf), kaolin clay powder, garnet sand, and mixtures of quartz sand and gypsum powder, used at the Analogue Laboratory of the Department of Geography at the...

KTB Borehole Measurements: Spontaneous Potential and Induced Polarization (SP & IP) of the German Continental Deep Drilling Program

Kueck, Jochem | Conze, Ronald | Bram, Kurt | Draxler, Hans | Zoth, Gustav | Kessels, Winfried | Hänel, Ralph


KTB Borehole Measurements Data Spontaneous Potential and Induced Polarization (SP & IP) Extensive borehole measurements were performed during the active drilling phase of the KTB pilot and main hole. The data report STR 21/03 KTB Borehole logging data contains the full...

Source parameters of Acoustic Emissions from triaxial experiments on Westerly granite, Aue Granite and Flechtigen Sandstone

Goebel, Thomas | Kwiatek, Grzegorz | Stanchits, Sergei | Davidsen, Joern


This dataset is supplementary material to "What controls the presence and characteristics of aftershocks in rock fracture in the lab?" by Joern Davidsen, Thomas H. W. Goebel, Grzegorz Kwiatek, Sergei Stanchits, Jordi Baro and Georg Dresen (Davidsen et al., 2021). The dataset contains...

KTB Borehole Measurements: Composite Logs of the German Continental Deep Drilling Program

Kueck, Jochem | Conze, Ronald | Bram, Kurt | Draxler, Hans | Zoth, Gustav | Kessels, Winfried | Hänel, Ralph


KTB Borehole Measurements Data Composite Logs Extensive borehole measurements were performed during the active drilling phase of the KTB pilot and main hole. The data report STR 21/03 KTB Borehole logging data contains the full description of the logging data given here....

Analysis of cosmogenic 10Be concentrations of Siwalik sediments and modern river sands from the north-western Himalaya and the calculated 10Be-derived paleoerosion rates

Mandal, Sanjay Kumar | Scherler, Dirk | Wittmann, Hella


These datasets were used to evaluate the main controls on last ~6 million years erosion rate variability of the northwestern Himalaya. The Earth’s climate has been cooling during the last ~15 million years and started fluctuating between cold and warm periods since ~2-3 million years ago....

A global database of radiogenic Nd and Sr isotopes in marine and terrestrial samples (V. 3.0)

Blanchet, Cécile L.


The database presented here contains radiogenic neodymium and strontium isotope ratios measured on both terrestrial and marine sediments. It was compiled to help assessing sediment provenance and transport processes for various time intervals. This can be achieved by either mapping sediment...

Mineral spectra and chemistry of 37 copper bearing surface samples from Apliki copper-gold-pyrite mine in the Republic of Cyprus

Koerting, Friederike | Rogass, Christian | Koellner, Nicole | Kuras, Agnieszka | Horning, Marcel | Altenberger, Uwe


The data set contains mineral chemical analyses of 37 different surface materials from the copper-gold-pyrite mine Apliki in the Republic of Cyprus and their corresponding hyperspectral spectra. The field samples were sampled in March 2018 in cooperation of the Cyprus Geological Survey...