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354 data publications found

Global distribution and composition of Neogene-Quaternary intraplate volcanic rocks

Ball, Patrick W.


Global database of  >20, 000 geochemical analyses of Neogene-Quaternary intraplate volcanic rocks. The database collates major, trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data for whole-rock...

Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous matter on metasediments from the central Tauern Window (Eastern Alps)

Groß, Philip | Pleuger, Jan | Handy, Mark | Germer, Marisa | John, Timm


Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous matter (RSCM) is commonly used to derive metamorphic peak- temperature estimates of metasedimentary rocks. This thermometry method exploits that the degree of graphitization of carbonateous matter (CM), which is measured via Raman spectroscopy, increases...

PRESSurE suspended sediment data time series, Gorkha earthquake, Nepal

Andermann, Christoff | Puhl, David | Zimmermann, Bernhard | Hughes, Genevieve | Sitaula, Ambika Prasad | Adhikari, Basanta R. | Baidya, Krishna Pyari


This data set was taken within the Perturbations of Earth Surface Processes by Large Earthquakes PRESSurE Project (https://www.gfz-potsdam.de/en/section/geomorphology/projects/pressure/), Hazard and Risk Team (HART) project by the German Center for Geosciences GFZ Potsdam. This project aims...

W isotope, Nd isotope, major and trace element data from the Badampahar and Onverwacht Groups, Kaapvaal and Singhbhum Cratons

Messling, Nils | Jodder, Jaganmoy | Hegner, Ernst | Hofmann, Axel | Wemmer, Klaus | Willbold, Matthias


The DIGIS geochemical data repository is a research data repository in the Earth Sciences domain with a specific focus on geochemical data. The repository archives, publishes and makes accessible user-contributed, peer-reviewed research data in standardised form (EarthChem Team, 2022) that fall...

Orientation data of lineations and foliations from the central Tauern Window (Austria)

Groß, Philip


This dataset contains orientation data for foliations (n=773) and lineations (n=512) from the central Tauern Window collected during fieldwork in the years 2016 to 2019. The data is distributed in the form of shapefiles for easy use with GIS software. It can be displayed conveniently using...

Radiometric Dates from the South American Andes and Adjacent Areas: A Compilation - part 3 metamorphic rocks

Pilger, Rex H. Jr.


A compilation of 29,574 published radiometric dates for metamorphic rocks from the South American Andes and adjacent parts of South America have been tabulated for access by researchers via GEOROC Expert Datasets. The compilation exists as a spreadsheet for access via MS Excel, Google Sheets,...

GEOSCRAPE zircon database

Martin, Erin L. | Barrote, Vitor R. | Cawood, Peter A.


This database contains a compilation of published zircon geochronology, chemistry and isotope data. The database was created through automated web scraping of the Figshare data repository. Data included U-Pb and Pb-Pb dating, Lu-Hf isotopes, trace element and rare earth element chemistry and...

Major and trace element concentrations and Sr, Nd, Hf, Pb isotope ratios of global mid ocean ridge and ocean island basalts

Stracke, Andreas | Willig, Michael | Genske, Felix | Béguelin, Paul | Todd, Erin


Major and trace element concentrations and Sr, Nd, Hf, Pb isotope ratios of global mid ocean ridge and ocean island basalt whole-rock compositions from the GEOROC and PetDB databases (2021-2022). Key publications: Stracke, A., Willig, M., Genske, F., Béguelin, P.,...

Quantitative mineralogy and bulk rock geochemistry of the Kupferschiefer system, Saale subasin, Eastern Germany

Mohammedyasin, Mohammed S. | Magnall, Joseph M. | Gleeson, Sarah A. | Schulz, Hans-Martin | Schleicher, Anja M. | Stammeier, Jessica A. | Ehling, Bodo-Carlo


The Southern Permian Basin in Central Europe (in Germany and Poland) hosts several sediment-hosted Cu deposits (see Borg et al., 2012). The Cu- and Zn-Pb sulfide mineralization is preserved in the coarse-grained continental siliciclastics of the uppermost Rotliegend (S1), organic matter- and...

CRM-geothermal - Gas chemical measurements at the Tuzla, Seferihisar and Dikili geothermal fields, Turkey

Zimmer, Martin | Strauch, Bettina | Niedermann, Samuel | Ayzit, Tolga | Tonkul, Serhat | Demir, Mustafa Muammer | Baba, Alper


To enhance the EU's economic autonomy, feasible options for local sourcing of critical raw materials that would allow for shorter supply routes along with ethical and responsible value chains are under contemplation. Social acceptance of mining in Europe is, however, low, and the...