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Data Publication
Hydrochemichal analysis thermal water Bad Blumau, Austria
Hehn, Vera | Iannotta, Joy | Eichinger, Florian
GFZ Data Services
The main objective of the work package 2 of the REFLECT project is to characterise relevant fluid properties and their reactions for saline fluids (type C). One of the specific goals was to collect fluid samples from several saline fluids from geothermal sites across Europe, determine their properties, and thus contribute to the Fluid Atlas (WP3). Additionally, the REFLECT team will compare those field data with data from lab experiments performed at near natural conditions. Samples of type C fluids were taken from several sites in Germany, Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands. The samples were analysed for major and minor ions, dissolved gases and isotopes. At the geothermal site Blumau in Austria five thermal water samples were taken by Hydroisotop at the production and injection well, as well as after the heat exchanger on 29th of June 2020. Besides the hydrochemical composition, dissolved gases, the heavy metal content, DOC and stable isotopes (18O, 2H, 13C-DIC) were analysed. Additionally, three thermal water samples were taken by the operator on 09th of March 2021 and sent to Hydroisotop for DOC measurements. The dataset contains analysis results associated with the research project reflect. It is a comma separated file (csv) containing the following columns: Location,Country,Description,Laboratory,Lab No.,Sampling date,Temperature at sampling (degC),Spec. electr. conductivity (25 degC) at sampling,Spec. electr. conductivity (25 degC) Lab. (muS/cm),pH value at sampling,pH value Lab.,Temperature Lab. (degC),Dissolved oxygen content (mg/l),Redox potential (mV),Alkalinity (pH 4.3) Lab. (mmol/l),Sodium (mg/l),Potassium (mg/l),Calcium (mg/l),Magnesium (mg/l),Ammonium (mg/l),Hydrogen carbonate (mg/l),Chloride (mg/l),Sulphate (mg/l),Nitrate (mg/l),Nitrite (mg/l),Antimony (mg/l),Barium (mg/l),Boron (mg/l),Bromide (mg/l),Fluoride (mg/l),Iodide (mg/l),Molybdenum (mg/l),Ortho-phosphate (mg/l),Selenium (mg/l),Strontium (mg/l),Sulphide total (mg/l),Aluminium (mg/l),Arsenic (mg/l),Lead (mg/l),Cadmium (mg/l),Chromium total (mg/l),Cobalt (mg/l),Iron total (mg/l),Copper (mg/l),Nickel (mg/l),Mercury (mg/l),Zinc (mg/l),Tin (mg/l),DOC (mg/l),Hydrogen (Nml/kg),Oxygen (Nml/kg),Nitrogen (Nml/kg),Carbon dioxide (Nml/kg),Methane (Nml/kg),Ethane (Nml/kg),Propane (Nml/kg),Butane (Nml/kg),Pentane (Nml/kg),Ethene (Nml/kg),Propene (Nml/kg),Helium (Nml/kg),Argon (Nml/kg),Sum Gases (Nml/kg),Oxygen-18 d18O-H2O (per mille VSMOW),Deuterium d2H-H2O (per mille VSMOW),Deuterium-excess (per mille VSMOW),Carbon-13 d13C-DIC (per mille VPDB) Methods are described in the accompanying deliverable Fluid data of geothermal sites (type C).
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Source publisher
GFZ Data Services
Hehn, Vera
Hydroisotop GmbH, Schweitenkirchen, Germany;
Iannotta, Joy
Hydroisotop GmbH, Schweitenkirchen, Germany;
Eichinger, Florian
Hydroisotop GmbH, Schweitenkirchen, Germany;
Hehn, Vera
Hydroisotop GmbH, Schweitenkirchen, Germany;
Hehn, Vera
Hydroisotop GmbH, Schweitenkirchen, Germany;
Iannotta, Joy
Hydroisotop GmbH, Schweitenkirchen, Germany;
Eichinger, Florian
Hydroisotop GmbH, Schweitenkirchen, Germany;
Hydroisotop GmbH
Hydroisotop GmbH, Schweitenkirchen, Germany;
Hehn, Vera
Hydroisotop GmbH, Schweitenkirchen, Germany;
Kieling, Katrin
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;
Iannotta, J., & Hehn, V. (2021). <i>The H2020 REFLECT project: Deliverable 2.1 – Fluid data of geothermal sites (type C) </i>. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. https://doi.org/10.48440/GFZ.4.8.2021.005
Kieling, Katrin
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;
Kieling, Katrin
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;
Kieling, Katrin
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;
Hehn, V., Iannotta, J., & Eichinger, F. (2022). Hydrochemichal analysis thermal water Bad Blumau, Austria [Data set]. GFZ Data Services. https://doi.org/10.5880/GFZ.4.8.2022.009
Collection Period
2020-06-29 - 2020-06-29
Geo location(s)
Geothermal well Bad Blumau, Austria