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Dissolved organic compounds in geothermal fluids used for energy production – part II
Leins, Alessio | Vieth-Hillebrand, Andrea | Günther, Kristin | Regenspurg, Simona
This dataset comprises 47 fluid samples from 11 geothermal sites (Germany, Austria, Iceland, Turkey, Netherlands, Belgium, French West Indies). The samples were collected within the REFLECT project (Redefining geothermal properties at extreme conditions to optimize future geothermal energy...
Data supplement to: Chemistry and Microbiology of the Critical Zone along a steep climate and vegetation gradient in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera
Oeser, Ralf Andreas | Stroncik, Nicole | Moskwa, Lisa-Marie | Bernhard, Nadine | Schaller, Mirjam | Canessa, Rafaella | van den Brink, Liesbeth | Köster, Moritz | Brucker, Emanuel | Stock, Svenja | Fuentes, Juan Pablo | Godoy, Roberto | Matus, Francisco Javier | Oses Pedraza, Rómulo | Osses McIntyre, Pablo | Paulino, Leandro | Seguel, Oscar | Bader, Maaike Y. | Boy, Jens | Dippold, Michaela A. | Ehlers, Todd A. | Kühn, Peter | Kuzyakov, Yakov | Leinweber, Peter | Scholten, Thomas | Spielvogel, Sandra | Spohn, Marie | Übernickel, Kirstin | Tielbörger, Katja | Wagner, Dirk | von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm
The Chilean Coastal Cordillera features a spectacular climate and vegetation gradient, ranging from arid and unvegetated areas in the north to humid and forested areas in the south. The DFG Priority Program "EarthShape" (Earth Surface Shaping by Biota) uses this natural gradient to...
JAGUARS – Mining induced picoseismicity associated to gold mining
Plenkers, Katrin | Blanke, Aglaja | Ziegler, Moritz | Naoi, Makoto | Yabe, Yasuo | Nakatani, Masao | Dresen, Georg | Ogasawara, Hiroshi | Kwiatek, Grzegorz
This dataset presented herein originates from the JAGUARS (The Japanese German Underground Acoustic Emission Research in South Africa) project, which took place from 2007 to 2009 in Mponeng Gold Mine, South Africa. Project partners included Ritsumeikan University, Earthquake Research...
Physical and geochemical data on a drill core from the semi-arid Coastal Cordillera, Chile
Krone, Laura V. | Hampl, Ferdinand J. | Schwerdhelm, Christopher | Bryce, Casey | Ganzert, Lars | Kitte, Axel | Übernickel, Kirstin | Dielforder, Armin | Aldaz, Santiago | Oses-Pedraza, Rómulo | Perez, Jeffrey Paulo H. | Sanchez-Alfaro, Pablo | Wagner, Dirk | Weckmann, Ute | von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm
This dataset contains petrophysical, geochemical, and mineralogical data from a drilling core from the Coastal Cordillera, Chile. The drilling campaign in the semi-arid field site Reserve Santa Gracia was conducted in the framework of the “EarthShape” project (DFG SPP1803) to study deep...
P³ - PetroPhysical Property Database
Bär, Kristian | Reinsch, Thomas | Bott, Judith
Petrophysical properties are key to populate numerical models of subsurface process simulations and for the interpretation of many geophysical exploration methods. They are characteristic for specific rock types and may vary considerably as a response to subsurface conditions (e.g....
Experimental adsorption parameters of boron isotopes on clay minerals
Ring, Simon J. | Henehan, Michael J. | Blukis, Roberts | von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm
Adsorption and isotopic fractionation of boron on clastic sediment is one process responsible for the heavy boron isotopic composition of the modern ocean. However, the mechanism by which boron complexes to the surface of clay minerals and the cause of its isotopic fractionation are still...
Petrographic Classification Table for the PetroPhysical Property Database P³
Bär, Kristian | Mielke, Philipp | Knorz, Katharina
This data publication is part of the 'P³-Petrophysical Property Database' project, which has been developed within the EC funded project IMAGE (Integrated Methods for Advanced Geothermal Exploration, EU grant agreement No. 608553) and consists of a scientific paper, a full report on the...
Bericht zum Bohrlochtemperatur-Logging und zu Messungen thermisch-hydraulischer Gesteinskennwerte an Bohrkernen für die Geothermiebohrungen Gt Schwerin 6/17 und Gt Schwerin 7/20 (Schwerin, MV)
Fuchs, Sven | Norden, Ben | Peksa, Robert
This report summarizes the measurements carried out by the GFZ Potsdam on the boreholes Gt S 6/17 and Gt S 7/20 in Schwerin (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania). The first part of the report describes the borehole measurements of the unperturbed temperature profiles. The second part describes the...
Stratigraphic Classification Table for the PetroPhysical Property Database P³
Bär, Kristian | Mielke, Philipp
This data publication is part of the 'P³-Petrophysical Property Database' project, which was developed within the EC funded project IMAGE (Integrated Methods for Advanced Geothermal Exploration, EU grant agreement No. 608553) and consists of a scientific paper, a full report on the database,...
Geochemical compositions of igneous rocks of the Central Andean orocline
Wörner, Gerhard | Mamani, Mirian
Compilation of more than 1500 major- and trace-element data points, and 650 Sr-, 610 Nd-, and 570 Pb-isotopic analyses of Mesozoic-Cenozoic (190–0 Ma) magmatic rocks in southern Peru, northern Chile and Bolivia (Central Andean orocline). This compilation was initially published by Mamani et al....