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Data Publication
UKGEOS Cheshire - BHA-101 Initial Borehole Information Pack
Hetherington, David | Damaschke, Magret | Thompson, Joanna | Hough, Edward | Kingdon, Andrew | Spence, Mike | Cripps, Catherine | Elsome, Jack | Burgess, Daniel | Fellgett, Mark
British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Data Centre (UKRI/NERC)
This data pack contains information from geotechnical and contaminated land investigations carried out at potential sites for the development of the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Cheshire. Following these investigations, a decision was made to move the proposed observatory to Thornton Science Park. None of the sites discussed in this data pack are in scope for development as part of the Cheshire Observatory. In total 16 holes were drilled using a variety of techniques. The only hole to be drilled using rotary coring was BHA-101. This borehole was cored extensively and logged with wireline geophysical tools. As such this is the main focus of the data pack. BHA-101 was drilled to TD of 121.2 m between 19-Nov-2020 and 09-Dec-2020. Drill core was collected from 51 m – 121 mm with 100 mm diameter. This initial data release pack from BGS contains composite and digital wireline logs alongside daily driller's borehole records.
Originally assigned keywords
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MSL enriched sub domains i
Source publisher
British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Data Centre (UKRI/NERC)
Hetherington, David
British Geological Survey;
Damaschke, Magret
British Geological Survey;
Thompson, Joanna
British Geological Survey;
Hough, Edward
British Geological Survey;
Kingdon, Andrew
British Geological Survey;
Spence, Mike
British Geological Survey;
Cripps, Catherine
British Geological Survey;
Elsome, Jack
British Geological Survey;
Burgess, Daniel
British Geological Survey;
Fellgett, Mark
British Geological Survey;
Hetherington, D., Damaschke, M., Thompson, J., Hough, E., Kingdon, A., Spence, M., Cripps, C., Elsome, J., Burgess, D., & Fellgett, M. (2022). UKGEOS Cheshire - BHA-101 Initial Borehole Information Pack [Data set]. NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre. https://doi.org/10.5285/98432556-C319-495A-A0E0-711806A0A237
Geo location(s)
Cheshire, UK