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Data Publication
Data for XS grant - Innovative single-step approach to printable and flexible diamond sensors
Simona Baluchová
The data in this dataset were obtained during the execution (1 year) of the grant project focused on “Innovative single-step approach to printable and flexible diamond sensors”. Dataset comprises raw data and/or exported files (in order to process them in a suitable software such as Excel or Origin) from different type of measurements (e.g., Raman spectroscopy, mechanical tensile tests, electrochemical (EC) measurements), images (scanning electron micrographs; optical micrographs; photos of the setup/electrodes; exported images from EC measurements), Origin and Excel files with plotted graphs. The dataset is divided into several sections with clear headings, therefore the individual measurements can be easily identified.
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Simona Baluchová
TU Delft, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (ME), Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering (PME)
Baluchová, S. (2024). Data for XS grant - Innovative single-step approach to printable and flexible diamond sensors (Version 1) [Data set]. 4TU.ResearchData. https://doi.org/10.4121/D71CA324-2D4B-4B34-9F03-72E4F5B3C3BF.V1