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Data Publication

Geochemical Data for the Olla and Nebo-Hemphill Oil Fields, Louisiana

Tyne, Rebecca L | Barry, Peter H | Lawson, Michael | Xie, Hao | Hillegonds, Darren J | Eiler, John M | Ballentine, Chris J

British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Data Centre (UKRI/NERC)


Formation water geochemistry and gas geochemistry from 6 wells in the Olla Oil Field and 7 wells in the Nebo-Hemphill Oil Field Louisiana (Longitude range: -92.2297 to -92.1487, Latitude range: 31.83128 to 31.56586.), sampled in 2015. Formation water geochemistry for cation and anions and in mmol/l and ppm, these were measured at an internal ExxonMobil facility. Casing gases were used to make the remaining measurements. Stable noble gas isotopes (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) were measured at the University of Oxford Noble Lab for ratios and abundances (in cm3(STP)/cm3). Stable C isotopes of CO2 and CH4 and C2, C3 and C4 alkanes in ‰ VDPB as well as their mol% of the casing gas were measured by Isotech Inc.. Methane clumped isotopes are given as Δ12CH2D2 and Δ13CH3D and were measured at the California Institute of Technology. Where no data is present, no measurements were taken for that well. N.D. refers to not detectable.


Originally assigned keywords
Oil Field Fluid Geochemistry
Olla Oil Field
Nebo Hemphill Oil Field
Noble Gas Isotopes
Clumped Methane Isotopes
Stable Carbon Isotopes

MSL enriched keywords
antropogenic setting
oil field
gas geochemistry
measured property
argon (Ar)
carbon (C)
subsurface energy production
hydrocarbon energy production
oil field

MSL enriched sub domains i


Source publisher

British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Data Centre (UKRI/NERC)




Tyne, Rebecca L

University of Oxford;

Barry, Peter H

University of Oxford; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution;

Lawson, Michael

Aker BP (Norway);

Xie, Hao

California Institute of Technology;

Hillegonds, Darren J

University of Oxford;

Eiler, John M

California Institute of Technology;

Ballentine, Chris J

University of Oxford;


Tyne, R. L., Barry, P. H., Lawson, M., Xie, H., Hillegonds, D. J., Eiler, J. M., & Ballentine, C. J. (2021). Geochemical Data for the Olla and Nebo-Hemphill Oil Fields, Louisiana [Data set]. NERC EDS National Geoscience Data Centre. https://doi.org/10.5285/A4070F5D-2064-4CAF-A82C-79A786D6AF9E

Geo location(s)

Olla and Nebo-Hemphill Oil fields, La Salle Parish Louisiana