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Data Publication
A global database of radiogenic Nd and Sr isotopes in marine and terrestrial samples
Blanchet, Cécile L.
GFZ Data Services
The database presented here contains radiogenic neodymium and strontium isotope ratios measured on both terrestrial and marine sediments. It was compiled to help assessing sediment provenance and transport processes for various time intervals. This can be achieved by either mapping sediment isotopic signature and/or fingerprinting source areas using statistical tools (see supplemental references). The database has been built by incorporating data from the literature and the SedDB database and harmonizing the metadata, especially units and geographical coordinates. The original data were processed in three steps. Firstly, a specific attention has been devoted to provide geographical coordinates to each sample in order to be able to map the data. When available, the original geographical coordinates from the reference (generally DMS coordinates, with different precision standard) were transferred into the decimal degrees system. When coordinates were not provided, an approximate location was derived from available information in the original publication. Secondly, all samples were assigned a set of standardized criteria that help splitting the dataset in specific categories. We defined categories associated with the sample location ("Region", "Sub-region", "Location", which relate to location at continental to city/river scale) or with the sample types (terrestrial samples – “aerosols”, “soil sediments”, “river sediments” - or marine samples –“marine sediment” or “trap sample”). Thirdly, samples were discriminated according to their deposition age, which allowed to compute average values for specific time intervals (see attached table "Age_determination_Sediment_Cores.csv"). The dataset will be updated bi-annually and might be extended to reach a global geographical extent and/or add other type of samples. This dataset contains two csv tables: "Dataset_Nd_Sr_isotopes.csv" and "Age_determination_Sediment_Cores.csv". "Dataset_Nd_Sr_isotopes.csv" contains the assembled dataset of marine and terrestrial Nd and/or Sr concentration and isotopes, together with sorting criteria and geographical locations. "Age_determination_Sediment_Cores.csv" contains all background information concerning the determination of the isotopic signature of specific time intervals (depth interval, number of samples, mean and standard deviation). Column headers are explained in respective metadata comma-separated files. A human readable data description is provided in portable document format, as well. Finally, R code for mapping the data and running statistical analyses is also available for this dataset (see supplemental references).
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Source publisher
GFZ Data Services
Blanchet, Cécile L.
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;
Blanchet, Cécile L.
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;
Blanchet, Cécile L.
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;
Blanchet, Cécile L.
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;
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Blanchet, Cécile L.
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;
Blanchet, C. L. (2018). A global database of radiogenic Nd and Sr isotopes in marine and terrestrial samples [Data set]. GFZ Data Services. https://doi.org/10.5880/GFZ.5.2.2018.001
Geo location(s)
Africa and Europe sectors