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Data Publication
Dataset for analytical and numerical solutions of cyclic pore pressure diffusion equation
Sciandra, Dario | Kivi, Iman Rahimzadeh | Makhnenko, Roman Y. | Rebscher, Dorothee | Vilarrasa, Víctor
This dataset encompasses the input files associated with diverse analytical and numerical models investigating cyclic pressure diffusion within uniform poroelastic materials. The dataset is organized into two primary folders. The "Analytical Solutions" folder comprises three Python libraries containing the material properties and functions for calculating pressure amplitude at various distances. The "Numerical Solutions" folder contains simulations for both Hydraulic ("01_") and Hydro-Mechanical ("HM_") problems. The simulations are conducted for representative values corresponding to Berea sandstone ("BS_"), Opalinus Clay ("OPA_"), and Westerly granite ("WG_"), considering both monodimensional ("1D") and axisymmetric ("Ax") cases. Within each subfolder, files with the suffix "_gen.dat" provide input data for the model, encompassing material properties, initial and boundary conditions, and time intervals. Correspondingly, files concluding with "_gri.dat" contain information of the mesh employed. The "_bfc.dat" file documents the periodic injection pressure applied for each simulation, while the "root.dat" file specifies the model's nomenclature. To execute a model, launching the executable "Cb_v9_1_3par4.exe" within each ".gid" folder is sufficient.
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Source publisher
Sciandra, Dario
Kivi, Iman Rahimzadeh
Makhnenko, Roman Y.
Rebscher, Dorothee
Vilarrasa, Víctor
Sciandra, D., Kivi, I. R., Makhnenko, R. Y., Rebscher, D., & Vilarrasa, V. (2023). Dataset for analytical and numerical solutions of cyclic pore pressure diffusion equation [Data set]. DIGITAL.CSIC. https://doi.org/10.20350/DIGITALCSIC/15676