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Data supplement to: Local magnetic anomalies in rugged volcanic terrain explain bias in paleomagnetic data: consequences for sampling
Meyer, Romy
The dataset contains measurements made with a fluxgate magnetometer of the ambient geomagnetic field on Mt. Etna, Italy. Measurements were made in April 2018. The purpose of this work was to test how the underlying terrain influences the magnetic field just above the surface of the lava...
Mechanical and microstructural data used in: “The effect of strain rate on inelastic strain development in porous sandstones deformed under reservoir conditions”
Shinohara, Takahiro
Subsurface human activities, such as fluid extraction from oil or gas sandstone reservoirs, frequently leads to surface subsidence and even induced seismicity, as observed in the Groningen Gas Field, the Netherlands. Subsidence is caused by elastic and inelastic reservoir compaction at depth...
The database of ground-motion recordings, site profiles and amplification factors used for the development of the Groningen Ground-Motion Prediction Models
Ntinalexis, Michail | Kruiver, Pauline | Bommer, Julian | Ruigrok, Elmer | Rodriguez-Marek, Adrian | Edwards, Benjamin | Pinho, Rui | Spetzler, Jesper | Obando Hernandez, Edwin | Pefkos, Manos | Bahrampouri, Mahdi | van Onselen, Erik | Dost, Bernard | van Elk, Jan
Induced earthquakes have occurred in the Groningen gas field in the Netherlands, since 1991, almost three decades after production began in 1963. As part of the Hazard and Risk Assment for the Groningen gas field, the field operator NAM (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij BV) developed the...
Dataset of Bjurböle (L/LL4 S1) Ordinary Chondritic Meteorite, properties studied by Optical and Electron Microscopy (thin section A).
Reichard, Jelle
Optical and electron microscopy data for thin section A of the Bjurböle (L/LL4 S1) Ordinary Chondritic Meteorite, collected as part of the BSc Thesis by J.M.C. Reichard (2024) titled: "Bjurböle and Mezö-Madaras Ordinary Chondritic Meteorites, properties studied by Optical and Electron...
Hazard and Risk Assessment tool for the Groningen Gas Field, the Netherlands [updated]
Bourne, Stephen J. | Oates, Steve J.
In October 2012, NAM (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij BV) commenced with the study and data acquisition research program for induced seismicity in the Groningen gas field, North Netherlands. One of the aims of this program was to prepare a probabilistic seismic hazard and risk assessment...
Experimental evidence for deformation-enhanced devolatilization of (carbonated) serpentinite fault gouges
Eberhard, Lisa
We analysed the frictional behaviour of antigorite and carbonated antigorite fault gouges in rotary-shear experiments at Utrecht University. Experiments were conducted at temperatures ranging from 400 - 630 °C, effective normal stresses of 100 - 150 MPa under fluid saturated conditions. This...
Replication data for "Increasing the Accuracy and Efficiency of 2 Micromagnetic Tomography by Double Sided Scanning"
Out, Frenk
This Dataset contains all data and scripts required to replicate the results presented in the manuscript. All data processing is carried out in jupyter notebooks and python scripts. Required python packages are listed in the requirements.txt file, found in the codes folder. We employed NanoCT...
Replication Data for: Assessing the Impact of Grain Size on Magnetic Measurements
Out, Frenk | de Boer, Rosa A. | Walmsley, John | de Groot, Lennart V.
This Dataset contains all data (and more!) required to replicate the results presented in the manuscript. All data processing is carried out in jupyter notebooks (DataProcessing_*.ipynb). Required python packages are listed at the end of this file. We employed FIBSEM data (focused ion beam...
Multi-scale electron microscopy data package of nanoporosity in serpentinite
Chogani, Alireza
To determine the nature of serpentinite nanoporosity, we employed multidimensional electron microscopy in conjunction with granular simulations. We investigated samples from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Røragen ultramafic complex (Norway) using scanning and transmission electron microscopy,...
Model output for the paper "Unravelling Processes and Rheology of the Tohoku Earthquake Cycle Using Bayesian Inference"
Marsman, Celine
This dataset contains the input and output files of the 2D model data assimilation experiments for interseismic and postseismic deformation associated with the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. All methods, results, bibliography/citations, and figures are described in detail in the publication:...