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Palinspastic Reconstruction Versus Cross‐Section Balancing: How Complete Is the Central Taurides Fold‐Thrust Belt (Turkey)? (Dataset)
Peter J. McPhee | Douwe J. J. Hinsbergen | Marco Maffione | Demir Altıner
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Palinspastic Reconstruction Versus Cross‐Section Balancing: How Complete Is the Central Taurides Fold‐Thrust Belt (Turkey)?
The Gediz River fluvial archive: A benchmark for Quaternary research in Western Anatolia (Dataset)
D. Maddy | A. Veldkamp | T. Demir | W. van Gorp | J.R. Wijbrans | D.J.J. van Hinsbergen | M.J. Dekkers | D. Schreve | J.M. Schoorl | R. Scaife | C. Stemerdink | T. van der Schriek | D.R. Bridgland | A.S. Aytaç
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: The Gediz River fluvial archive: A benchmark for Quaternary research in Western Anatolia
The end of Midcontinent Rift magmatism and the paleogeography of Laurentia (Dataset)
Luke M. Fairchild | Nicholas L. Swanson-Hysell | Jahandar Ramezani | Courtney J. Sprain | Samuel A. Bowring
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: The end of Midcontinent Rift magmatism and the paleogeography of Laurentia
The Caribbean and Farallon Plates Connected: Constraints From Stratigraphy and Paleomagnetism of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica (Dataset)
L. M. Boschman | E. van der Wiel | K. E. Flores | C. G. Langereis | D. J. J. van Hinsbergen
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: The Caribbean and Farallon Plates Connected: Constraints From Stratigraphy and Paleomagnetism of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
The Dynamic History of 220 Million Years of Subduction Below Mexico: A Correlation Between Slab Geometry and Overriding Plate Deformation Based on Geology, Paleomagnetism, and Seismic Tomography (Dataset)
Lydian M. Boschman | Douwe J. J. van Hinsbergen | David L. Kimbrough | Cor G. Langereis | Wim Spakman
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: The Dynamic History of 220 Million Years of Subduction Below Mexico: A Correlation Between Slab Geometry and Overriding Plate Deformation Based on Geology, Paleomagnetism, and Seismic...
Discrete Plio-Pleistocene phases of tilting and counterclockwise rotation in the southeastern Aegean arc (Rhodos, Greece): early Pliocene formation of the south Aegean left-lateral strike-slip system (Dataset)
Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen | Wout Krijgsman | Cor G. Langereis | Jean-Jacques Cornée | Charon E. Duermeijer | Nicole van Vugt
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Discrete Plio-Pleistocene phases of tilting and counterclockwise rotation in the southeastern Aegean arc (Rhodos, Greece): early Pliocene formation of the south Aegean left-lateral...
Did Adria rotate relative to Africa? (Dataset)
D. J. J. van Hinsbergen | M. Mensink | C. G. Langereis | M. Maffione | L. Spalluto | M. Tropeano | L. Sabato
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Did Adria rotate relative to Africa?
Persistently low Asian paleolatitudes: Implications for the India-Asia collision history (Dataset)
Guillaume Dupont-Nivet | Douwe J. J. van Hinsbergen | Trond H. Torsvik
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Persistently low Asian paleolatitudes: Implications for the India-Asia collision history
Untangling inconsistent magnetic polarity records through an integrated rock magnetic analysis: A case study on Neogene sections in East Timor (Dataset)
F. M. Aben | M. J. Dekkers | R. R. Bakker | D. J. J. van Hinsbergen | W. J. Zachariasse | G. W. Tate | N. McQuarrie | R. Harris | B. Duffy
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Untangling inconsistent magnetic polarity records through an integrated rock magnetic analysis: A case study on Neogene sections in East Timor
Paleomagnetic constraints on the kinematic relationship between the Guerrero terrane (Mexico) and North America since Early Cretaceous time (Dataset)
Lydian M. Boschman | Roberto S. Molina Garza | Cor G. Langereis | Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Paleomagnetic constraints on the kinematic relationship between the Guerrero terrane (Mexico) and North America since Early Cretaceous time