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Anomalous paleomagnetic directions in late tertiary andesitic intrusions of the Cauca depression, Colombian Andes (Dataset)
William D. MacDonald
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Anomalous paleomagnetic directions in late tertiary andesitic intrusions of the Cauca depression, Colombian Andes
Magnetic polarity stratigraphy and vertebrate paleontology of the upper siwalik subgroup of northern Pakistan (Dataset)
N.D. Opdyke | E. Lindsay | G.D. Johnson | N. Johnson | R.A.K. Tahirkheli | M.A. Mirza
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Magnetic polarity stratigraphy and vertebrate paleontology of the upper siwalik subgroup of northern Pakistan
Paleomagnetic results from the Newer Volcanics of Victoria: Contribution to the Time Averaged Field Initiative (Dataset)
Neil D. Opdyke | Robert Musgrave
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Paleomagnetic results from the Newer Volcanics of Victoria: Contribution to the Time Averaged Field Initiative
Jurassic and Cretaceous paleomagnetic data from the Southern Alps (Italy) (Dataset)
J. E. T. Channell | C. Doglioni | J. S. Stoner
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Jurassic and Cretaceous paleomagnetic data from the Southern Alps (Italy)
Paleomagnetic and paleointensity study of Oligocene volcanic rocks from Chihuahua (northern Mexico) (Dataset)
A Goguitchaichvili | L.M Alva-Valdivia | J Urrutia-Fucugauchi | C Zesati | C Caballero
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Paleomagnetic and paleointensity study of Oligocene volcanic rocks from Chihuahua (northern Mexico)
Preliminary results of a study of four successive sedimentary geomagnetic reversal records from the Mediterranean (Upper Thvera, Lower and Upper Sidufjall, and Lower Nunivak) (Dataset)
J.H. Linssen
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Preliminary results of a study of four successive sedimentary geomagnetic reversal records from the Mediterranean (Upper Thvera, Lower and Upper Sidufjall, and Lower Nunivak)
Geomagnetic field intensity during the Plio-Pleistocene derived from the thermo-remanence of porcellanites and palaeo-slags (Czechoslovakia) (Dataset)
Miroslav Krs
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Geomagnetic field intensity during the Plio-Pleistocene derived from the thermo-remanence of porcellanites and palaeo-slags (Czechoslovakia)
Paleomagnetic and structural evidence for Neogene block rotations in the Central Apennines, Italy (Dataset)
M. Mattei | R. Funiciello | C. Kissel
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Paleomagnetic and structural evidence for Neogene block rotations in the Central Apennines, Italy
Paleomagnetic results from a crosscutting system of northwest and north-south trending diabase dikes in the North Carolina Piedmont (Dataset)
William A. Smith
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Paleomagnetic results from a crosscutting system of northwest and north-south trending diabase dikes in the North Carolina Piedmont
Paleomagnetic evidence for a Pleistocene counterclockwise rotation of the Sant'Arcangelo Basin, southern Italy (Dataset)
Leonardo Sagnotti
Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, or geomagnetic data found in the MagIC data repository from a paper titled: Paleomagnetic evidence for a Pleistocene counterclockwise rotation of the Sant'Arcangelo Basin, southern Italy