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Applied Filters
354 data publications found

Experimental and model data of aggregate compaction by pressure solution

van den Ende, Martijn


Intergranular pressure solution creep is an important deformation mechanism in the Earth’s crust. The phenomenon has been frequently studied and several analytical models have been proposed that describe its constitutive behavior. These models require assumptions regarding the geometry of the...

4D X-Ray CT data and surface view videos of analogue models exploring rift interaction in orthogonal and rotational extension

Zwaan, Frank | Schreurs, Guido


This data set includes videos depicting the surface evolution of 29 analogue models on crustal extension, as well as 4D CT imagery (figures and videos) of two of these experiments. The experiments examined the influence of the method for driving extension (orthogonal or rotational) on the...

Discrete Element Method model data of biaxial shear deformation

van den Ende, Martijn


Owing to their destructive potential, earthquakes receive considerable attention from laboratory studies. In friction experiments, stick-slips are studied as the laboratory equivalent of natural earthquakes, and numerous attempts have been made to simulate stick-slips numerically using the...

Supplementary material to: A refined age calibrated paleosecular variation and relative paleointensity stack for the NW Barents Sea: implication for geomagnetic field behavior during the Holocene.

Caricchi, Chiara | Sagnotti, Leonardo | Campuzano, Saioa A. | Lucchi, Renata Giulia | Macrì, Patrizia | Rebesco, Michele | Camerlenghi, Angelo


This dataset includes paleomagnetic and rock magnetic analyses from four sediment cores collected on continental slope of Storfjorden and Kveithola trough‐mouth fans (western Spitsbergen margin, southern Svalbard archipelago). In detail, piston core SV-04 was collected during the Spanish...

Mechanical data and microstructures of simulated calcite fault gouge sheared at 550°C

Verberne, Berend Antonie | Chen, Jianye | Pennock, Gillian


The largest magnitude earthquakes nucleate at depths near the base of the seismogenic zone, near the transition from velocity weakening frictional slip to velocity strengthening ductile flow. However, the mechanisms controlling this transition, and relevant to earthquake nucleation, remain...

Mechanical and microstructural data used in: “Inelastic deformation of the Slochteren sandstone: Stress-strain relations and implications for induced seismicity in the Groningen gas field"

Pijnenburg, Ronald | Verberne, Berend | Hangx, Suzanne | Spiers, Christopher


Pore pressure reduction in sandstone reservoirs generally leads to small elastic plus inelastic strains. These small strains (0.1 – 1.0% in total) may lead to surface subsidence and induced seismicity. In current geomechanical models, the inelastic component is usually neglected, though its...

Hydrothermal Friction data of gouges derived from the Alpine Fault

Niemeijer, Andre


The Alpine Fault, New Zealand, is a major plate-bounding fault that accommodates 65–75% of the total relative motion between the Australian and Pacific plates. Here we present data on the hydrothermal frictional properties of Alpine Fault rocks that surround the principal slip zones (PSZ) of...

Fluid-Induced Fault Slip Experiments in the Laboratory on Critically Stressed Saw-Cut Sandstone Samples with High Permeability

Wang, Lei | Kwiatek, Grzegorz | Rybacki, Erik | Bonnelye, Audrey | Bohnhoff, Marco | Dresen, Georg


To understand the physical mechanisms governing fluid-induced seismicity at field-scale fluid injection projects, we conducted fluid-induced fault slip experiments in the laboratory on critically stressed saw-cut sandstone samples with high permeability using different fluid pressurization...

Supplement to: Growing Faults in the Lab: Insights into the Scale Dependence of the Fault Zone Evolution Process

Ritter, Malte C. | Rosenau, Matthias | Oncken, Onno


This dataset is supplementary material to the article of Ritter et al. (2017). In this article, the similarity of fault propagation work in analogue sandbox experiments to natural fault networks is investigated through measurements in a strike-slip sandbox and in a ring-shear-tester. The...

Frictional and microanalytical data of basalts sheared with pressurized H2O- and CO2- rich fluids

Giacomel, Piercarlo | Spagnuolo, Elena | Nazzari, Manuela | Marzoli, Andrea | Passelegue, François | Youbi, Nasrrddine | Di Toro, Giulio


Here we report the raw data of the friction experiments performed on basalt-built faults pressurized with de-ionized H2O, pure CO2, pure Ar, and H2O+CO2 mixtures, respectively (Dataset_friction_basalts.zip). The experiments were designed to assess the effects of the fluid chemistry on fault...