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Survey of critical raw materials in Tanzania East African Rift geothermal araes
Wilke, Franziska D. H. | Mahecho, Albano | Regenspurg, Simona | Zimmer, Martin | Jentsch, Anna | Kreitsmann, Timmu | Bau, Michael | Schröder, Birgit | Vieth-Hillebrand, Andrea | Niedermann, Samuel | Stammeier, Jessica
In autumn 2022, an expedition to Tanzania was undertaken within the framework of the research project “CRM-geothermal” and Scintific Priority Program (SPP) 2238 “Dynamics of Ore Metal Enrichment”. Within „CRM-geothermal“ we are looking for an environmentally friendly co-production of critical...
Noble metals, major and minor elements in modern and pre-historic lavas of Tolbachik volcano
Kutyrev, Anton | Zelenski, Michael | Nekrylov, Nikolai | Savelyev, Dmitry | Kontonikas-Charos, Alkiviadis | Kamenetsky, Vadim S.
Full element (major elements, minor elements, platinum-group elements and gold) analysis of high- and low-Mg lavas from several eruptions of Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. Eruptions include 2012-13, 1975-76, 1941 and several recent prehistoric...
Crystallographic Information File (CIF) of the magnesium phosphate mineral struvite collected by single-crystal X-Ray diffraction
Volkmann, Rebecca | Muenchhalfen, Marie | Benning, Liane G.
Crystallographic Information File (CIF) of the magnesium phosphate mineral struvite collected by single-crystal X-Ray diffraction. The magnesium phosphate mineral struvite (MgNH4PO4·6H2O) is of interest for the recovery of phosphorus from wastewaters and for use as a fertilizer in...
Radiometric Dates from the South American Andes and Adjacent Areas: A Compilation - part 1 igenous rocks
Pilger, Rex H. Jr
A compilation of 39,070 published radiometric dates for igneous rocks from the South American Andes and adjacent parts of South America have been tabulated for access by researchers via GEOROC Expert Datasets. The compilation exists as a spreadsheet for access via MS Excel, Google Sheets, and...
Acoustic Emission and Seismic moment tensor catalogs associated with triaxial stick-slip experiments performed on Westerly Granite samples
Kwiatek, Grzegorz | Goebel, Thomas
The dataset contains source parameters of acoustic emission (AE) events recorded during triaxial friction (stick-slip) experiments performed on the Westerly Granite sample WgN05. In addition we provide raw waveform data of AE events recorded in triggered mode with a network of 16 AE sensors....
Iran and SE Anatolia Meso-Cenozoic igneous rock compositions
Lustrino, Michele | Salari, Giulia | Rahimzadeh, Bahman | Fedele, Lorenzo | Masoudi, Fariborz | Agostini, Samuele
Compilation of igneous rock compositions from Iran and SE Anatolia Meso-Cenozoic (ISA), including major, trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data as published in Lustrino et al. (2021).
Radiometric Dates from the South American Andes and Adjacent Areas: A Compilation - part 2 sedimentary rocks
Pilger, Rex H. Jr.
A compilation of 90,688 published radiometric dates for sedimentary rocks from the South American Andes and adjacent parts of South America have been tabulated for access by researchers via GEOROC Expert Datasets. The compilation exists as a spreadsheet for access via MS Excel, Google Sheets,...
Radiogenic isotope compositions of eruption products from the 2019 paroxysmal eruptions at Stromboli Volcano
Renggli, Christian | Krause, Joachim | Genske, Felix | Gilbricht, Sabine | Gattuso, Alessandro | Böhnke, Mischa | Berndt, Jasper | Giuffrida, Giovanni
The periodic volcanic activity of Stromboli Volcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy, is interrupted by paroxysmal eruptions on a decadal interval. In 2019, two strong paroxysms on July 3rd and August 28th, ended a more than a decade long period of regular strombolian activity. During normal strombolian...
Major Element and Trace Element Compositions of Tephra Layers Found in European Varved Lake Records
Beckett, Anna | Blanchet, Cécile | Brauser, Alexander | Kierney, Rebecca | Martin-Puertas, Celia | Matthews, Ian | Mittelbach, Konstantin | Palmer, Adrian | Ramisch, Arne | Brauer, Achim
This database contains major and trace element compositions of European tephra and metadata for the datasets and lakes they were found in. It was created by collecting data from scientific literature to support the synchronisation of annually-resolved lake sediment records during the Last...
Global magmatic kimberlite and carbonatite compositions (elemental and isotopic)
Tappe, Sebastian
Global database of isotopic and major element compositions of kimberlites and carbonatites as compiled in: Tappe, Sebastian; Romer, Rolf L.; Stracke, Andreas; Steenfelt, Agnete; Smart, Katie A.; Muehlenbachs, Karlis; et al. (2017): Sources and mobility of carbonate melts beneath...