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Applied Filters
354 data publications found

Magnetochronostratigraphic data from sediments in the Drake Passage – cores from expedition PS97, German RV Polarstern, 2016

Nowaczyk, Norbert R. | Liu, Jiabo | Arz, Helge W.


Sediment cores were recovered during the ship expedition of German RV Polarstern in 2016 (PS97) using piston corers. For paleo- and rock magnetic analyses clear plastic boxes of 20×20×15 mm were pressed into the split halves of the generally 1 m long sections of the sediment cores. In order...

Ring-shear test data of garnet sand used for analogue modelling in the experimental tectonics laboratory at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam

Rosenau, Matthias | Pohlenz, Andre


This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests on garnet sand used in analogue modelling of tectonic processes as a rock analogue for “strong” or “high density” layers in the earth’s upper crust (e.g. Klinkmüller et al., 2016). According to our analysis the material shows a...

RST Evaluation - Scripts for analysing shear experiments from the Schulze RST.pc01 ring shear tester

Rudolf, Michael | Warsitzka, Michael


The software RST Evaluation is a series of scripts to semi-automatically evaluate shear experiments done at the Helmholtz Laboratory for Tectonic Modelling. In principle, it may be used for other measurements done in a similar setup, but it was build with our standardized workflow in mind....

Ring-shear test data of colored quartz sand used for analogue modelling in the experimental tectonics laboratory at China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

Han, Liyang | Ge, Zhiyuan | Rosenau, Matthias


This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests colored quartz sand used for analogue modelling in the experimental tectonics laboratory at China University of Petroleum (Beijing). According to our analysis the materials show a Mohr-Coulomb behaviour characterized by a linear...

Ring-shear test data of mica used for analogue modelling in the experimental tectonics laboratory at China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

Han, Liyang | Ge, Zhiyuan | Rosenau, Matthias


This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests black mica used for analogue modelling in the experimental tectonics laboratory at China University of Petroleum (Beijing). According to our analysis the materials show a Mohr-Coulomb behaviour characterized by a linear failure envelope....

Ring-shear test data of wallnut shells used for analogue modelling in the experimental tectonics laboratory at China University of Petroleum (Beijing))

Han, Liyang | Ge, Zhiyuan | Rosenau, Matthias


This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests walnut shells used for analogue modelling in the experimental tectonics laboratory at China University of Petroleum (Beijing). According to our analysis the tested materials behave as a Mohr-Coulomb material characterized by a linear...

Ring-shear test data of foamglass used for analogue modelling in the experimental tectonics laboratory at China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

Han, Liyang | Ge, Zhiyuan | Rosenau, Matthias


This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests foamglass used for analogue modelling in the experimental tectonics laboratory at China University of Petroleum (Beijing). According to our analysis the materials show a Mohr-Coulomb behaviour characterized by a linear failure...

Seismological Characterization of the Geothermal Field Laboratory Rhineland

Finger, Claudia | Harrington, Rebecca | Reinsch, Thomas


– A temporary seismic network consisting of 48 long-term and 15 short-term stations was deployed from June 2021 to June 2022. The network comprises 27 broadband stations and 20 short period geophones from the Ruhr-University Bochum, the Geophysical Instrument Pool Potsdam (GIPP) and the RWTH...

Landscape Response to the Mw7.9 Gorkha Earthquake

Andermann, Christoff | Sens-Schönfelder, Christoph | Turowski, Jens


Strong earthquakes cause transient perturbations of the near Earth’s surface system. These include the widespread landsliding and subsequent mass movement and the loading of rivers with sediments. In addition, rock mass is shattered during the event, forming cracks that affect rock strength and...

Egelados project 2005/07, RUB Bochum, Germany

Friederich, W. | Meier, T.


The network, which consisted of both land and ocean bottom seismographs, functioned from October 2005 until its deinstallation in March 2007 as part of the Exploring the Geodynamics of Subducted Lithosphere Using an Amphibian Deployment of Seismographs (EGELADOS) project. The network, which...