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Applied Filters
354 data publications found

Surface displacement and strain data from laboratory subduction megathrust earthquake cycles

Kosari, Ehsan | Rosenau, Matthias | Metzger, Sabrina | Oncken, Onno


This data set is digital image correlation data, including surface displacement and strain data from laboratory subduction megathrust earthquake cycles. The data consists of grids of surface strain (elastic and permanent), trench-normal surface displacement, vorticity and divergence maps over...

Compilation of palaeomagnetic data from sediments and volcanic rocks spanning 30,000 to 50,000 years ago used to create the temporally continuous global spherical harmonic geomagnetic field model LSMOD.1

Brown, Maxwell | Korte, Monika | Holme, Richard | Wardinski, Ingo | Gunnarson, Sydney


Compilation of palaeomagnetic data from sediments and volcanic rocks from 68 sites spanning 30,000 to 50,000 years ago used to create the temporally continuous global spherical harmonic geomagnetic field model LSMOD.1. This is in supplement to the paper "Earth's magnetic field is (probably...

Paleomagnetic data from Ferdows and Yazd, Central Iran

Mattei, Massimo | Cifelli, Francesca | Alimohammadianb, Habib | Rashid, Hamideh


This dataset includes paleomagnetic data from 19 sampling sites, collected in central Iran during two sampling campaigns carried out in April 2011 (Yazd) and November 2011 (Ferdows). The data are supplement to Mattei et al. (2020). The sites were collected along two tectonic structures...

Time-lapse imagery, digital image correlation (DIC) and topographic analysis of laboratory experiments simulating the evolution of the East African Rift System

Zwaan, Frank | Schreurs, Guido


This data set includes overviews and videos depicting the surface evolution (time-lapse photographs, topography data and digital image correlation [DIC] analysis) of 6 analogue models simulating rotational rift tectonics. In these experiments we examined the links between rotational rifting and...

LSMOD.2 - Global paleomagnetic field model for 50 -- 30 ka BP

Korte, Monika | Brown, Maxwell


Global spherical harmonic paleomagnetic field model LSMOD.2 describes the magnetic field evolution from 50 to 30 ka BP based on published paleomagnetic sediment records and volcanic data. It is an update of LSMOD.1, with the only difference being a correction to the geographic locations of...

LSMOD.1 - Global paleomagnetic field model for 50 -- 30 ka BP

Korte, Monika | Brown, Maxwell | Gunnarson, Sydney


Global spherical harmonic paleomagnetic field model LSMOD.1 describes the magnetic field evolution from 50 to 30 ka BP based on published paleomagnetic sediment records and volcanic data. The time interval includes the Laschamp (~41 ka BP) and Mono Lake (~34 ka BP) excursions. The model is...

Overviews and videos of top view imagery, topography data and DIC analysis results from analogue models of basin inversion

Richetti, Pâmela C | Zwaan, Frank | Schreurs, Guido | Schmitt, Renata S | Schmid, Timothy C


This data set includes videos depicting the surface evolution (time-lapse photography, topography data and Digital Image Correlation [DIC] analysis) of 11 analogue models, divided in three model series (A, B and C), simulating rifting and subsequent inversion tectonics. In these models we...

Experimental data on scaled analogue experiments modelling GPS velocity field variations and kinematic partitioning in the Southern Andes (34°S to 42°S)

Eisermann, Jan Oliver | Göllner, Paul Leon | Riller, Ulrich


The southern Andes are regarded as a typical subduction orogen formed by oblique plate convergence. Despite decades of studies, there is considerable uncertainty as to how deformation is kinematically partitioned in the upper plate. Using scaled analogue experiments modelling, we test the...

Ring-shear test data of corundum sand “NKF120” used for analogue modelling in the experimental tectonics laboratory at GFZ Potsdam

Rosenau, Matthias | Pohlenz, Andre


This dataset provides friction data from ring-shear tests on corundum sand “NKF120” used in analogue modelling of tectonic processes as a rock analogue for “strong” or “high density” layers in the earth’s upper crust (e.g. Klinkmüller et al., 2016) or as an additive to PDMS silicone oil to...

Rheometric Analysis of Viscous Material Mixtures Used in the Tectonic Laboratory (TecLab) at Utrecht University, Netherlands

Rudolf, Michael | Willingshofer, Ernst | Rosenau, Matthias


This dataset contains measurements of viscous and viscoelastic materials that are used for analogue modelling. Proper density and viscosity scaling of ductile layers in the crust and lithosphere, requires materials like Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), to be mixed with fillers and low viscoity...