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Applied Filters
30 data publications found

The lithosphere and upper mantle of the Western-Central Mediterranean region from integrated geophysical-geochemical modelling

Jimenez-Munt, Ivone | Zhang, Wentao | Torné, Montserrat | Vergés, Jaume | Bravo-Gutiérrez, Estefanía | Negredo, Ana M. | García-Castellanos, Daniel

This study integrates geophysical-geochemical data to investigate the thermochemical structure of the lithosphere and sublithospheric mantle, along the Southern Tyrrhenian Basin, Apennines, Adriatic Sea, Dinarides, and Carpathians-Balkanides. We present the lithospheric structure of the Adria...

Numerical models for simulating reactive flow of HCl and CO2-rich water in cm-scale limestone samples [Dataset]

Vafaie, Atefeh | Soler, Josep M. | Cama, Jordi | Kivi, Iman Rahimzadeh | Vilarrasa, Víctor

This dataset is composed of the files required for simulating laboratory-scale injection of CO2-saturated water and HCl solution into cm-scale limestone samples. Six files required for simulating the CO2 injection experiment are included in the folder named CO2. The names of these files are...

Data set: Chronostratigraphic, Sedimentological and Geochemical Data

Alonso, Bel??N | Ercilla, Gemma | Aus??N, Blanca

The research presents for the first time a jointly analysis about the impact of the light intermediate Mediterranean (LMW) and dense deep Mediterranean (DMW) bottom currents on the sedimentation in the Alboran Sea (SW Mediterranean) and its paleoceanographic significance in response to climatic...

Global Granite Geochemistry and Outcrop Database (GGGOD)

González-Esvertit, Eloi | Prieto-Torrell, Claudia | Bons, Paul D. | Canals, Angels | Casas, Josep Maria | Elburg, Marlina A. | Gomez-Rivas, Enrique

The Global Granite Geochemistry and Outcrop Database (GGGOD) is a free, Open Access, userfriendly, Geographical Information System (GIS)-based resource allowing the visualization, plotting, and spatial analysis of all granitoid compositions that have been reported hitherto in various Open...

Dataset of total and nitric acid soluble element concentrations from stream sediments of the Upper Garonne Basin, Val d'Aran, Central Pyrenees

Fernandez-Turiel, J. L. | Rejas, Marta | Rodríguez-González, A. | Lobo, Agustín

This dataset comprises the total and the acid nitric soluble element concentrations of major and trace elements (Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, K, P, LOI, As, Ba, Be, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Dy, Er, Eu, Ga, Gd, Ge, Hf, Ho, La, Li, Lu, Mo, Nd, Ni, Pb, Pr, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Sn, Sr, Tb, Th, Tm, U, V,...

Dataset of SEM images, modelled isopach map and topographic profiles, radiocarbon ages and data of parameters of Tephra2 and AshCalc codes of Holocene volcanic ashes of NW Argentina

Fernandez-Turiel, J. L. | Perez-Torrado, F. J. | Rodriguez-Gonzalez, A. | Saavedra, J. | Carracedo, J. C. | Rejas, M. | Lobo, A. | Osterrieth, M. | Carrizo, J. I. | Esteban, G. | Gallardo, J. | Ratto, N.

This dataset compiles SEM images, modelled isopach map and topographic profiles, and data of radiocarbon ages, parameters of Tephra2 and AshCalc codes of Holocene volcanic ashes of of Southern Puna and neighbouring areas (NW Argentina). SEM images detail differences among the Bolsón de...

Dataset of glass and mineral geochemical data of Holocene volcanic ashes of NW Argentina

Fernandez-Turiel, J. L. | Rejas, Marta | Pérez Torrado, Francisco José | Saavedra Alonso, Julio | Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Alejandro

Groundmass glass, phenocrysts, microphenocrysts, and microlites of glass shards (1011 analyses at single points), feldspars (568), biotites (183), Fe–Ti oxides (101), amphiboles (30), and pyroxenes (14) were analysed on polished thin sections of Holocene volcanic ashes, ignimbrites and lava...

Dataset of particle size distribution data of Holocene volcanic ashes of NW Argentina

Fernandez-Turiel, J. L. | Rejas, Marta | Pérez Torrado, Francisco José | Saavedra Alonso, Julio | Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Alejandro

This dataset includes particle size distribution data of volcanic ashes of Southern Puna and neighbouring areas (NW Argentina). The content of particles of 0.1–1000 μm was determined by lasser diffraction. The studied volcanic materials are mainly associated with the 4.2 ka cal BP eruption of...

AMPHIBIAN CSIC experimental data insitu exsitu PXRD NPD

Granados-Miralles, Cecilia | Saura-Múzquiz, Matilde | Andersen, Henrik L. | Quesada, Adrián | Ahlburg, Jajkob V. | Dippel, Ann-Christin | Canèvet, Emmanuel | Christensen, Mogens

During the past decade, CoFe2O4 (hard)/Co–Fe alloy (soft) magnetic nanocomposites have been routinely prepared by partial reduction of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles. Monoxide (i.e., FeO or CoO) has often been detected as a byproduct of the reduction, although it remains unclear whether the formation of...

Dataset for Numerical modeling of hydraulic stimulation of fractured crystalline rock at the Bedretto Underground Laboratory for Geosciences and Geoenergies

Vaezi, Iman | Alcolea, Andrés | Meier, Peter | Parisio, Francesco | Carrera, Jesús | Vilarrasa, Víctor

This dataset includes the input files of the numerical models used in the manuscript for simulating the hydraulic stimulation at the Bedretto lab. Each folder is named after the corresponding model in the manuscript, i.e., EP (Elastic Prescribed), EE (Elastic Embedded), and VE (Viscoplastic...